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Trial Shows Blockbuster Potential for Blood Clot Pill Eliquis

The pill, Eliquis, exceeded expectations as a better therapy for millions of people with atrial fibrillation, according to final results of a worldwide study released Sunday.


Addiction? Video games crowded out man's real life

Addiction? Video games crowded out man's real life

At the height of what he calls his addiction, Ryan Van Cleave would stand in the grocery store checkout line with his milk and bread and baby food for his little girls and for a split second think he was living inside a video game....


Study: Half of U.S. adults will be obese by 2030

The number of obese people in the U.S. is projected to double by 2030 contributing to soaring health costs.


Report: Vaccines generally safe, some side effects

Report: Vaccines generally safe, some side effects

Vaccines can cause certain side effects but serious ones appear very rare - and there's no link with autism and Type 1 diabetes, the Institute of Medicine says in the first comprehensive safety review in 17 years....


Spouses make each other behave badly, study says

Spouses make each other behave badly, study says

As any single person with married friends can testify, their constant patter about how great marriage is for just about everything (Your heart! Your mood! Your life expectancy !) can be a little annoying. Research supports those pitying glances they shoot in your direction when you defend your singleness; long-term committed relationships like marriage really are good for your health. But, still.


After uproar, man with breast cancer OK’d for coverage

After uproar, man with breast cancer OK’d for coverage

Raymond Johnson was due for some good news. Earlier this month, he was denied Medicaid coverage after being diagnosed with breast cancer. But he just got the call he was waiting for: South Carolina’s Department of Health and Human Services is granting him coverage, after all.


How Dogs Beat Doctors in Identifying Early-Stage Lung Cancer

How Dogs Beat Doctors in Identifying Early-Stage Lung Cancer

With a little training, your dog could have a promising future as a biochemist. A new study in the European Respitory Journal shows that dogs are better at sniffing out the early markers of lung cancer than the latest medical technologies at our disposal. Lung cancer is the second most frequent form of cancer in ...


Jerry Lewis: Saving Lives Through MDA Was Honor

Jerry Lewis said Saturday that his years of service to the Muscular Dystrophy Association helped make him a star, but he didn't provide details on his recent departure as the group's national chairman.


Boy dies from ‘brain-eating amoeba’ in Va.

Boy dies from ‘brain-eating amoeba’ in Va.

Virginia health officials say a child has died of a brain infection from a microscopic bug, sometimes called a “brain-eating amoeba,” that lives in stagnant water. State epidemiologist Dr. Keri Hall declined to name the child, but the victim’s mother identified him as 9-year-old Christian Alexander Strickland of Henrico County. The boy died Aug. 5 and Hall received the autopsy results Friday confirming the cause of death as inflammation of the brain and its lining.

Senh: How does one prevent this from happening - other than not swimming in lakes?


Excessive sitting linked to premature death in women

Excessive sitting linked to premature death in women

In a study, women who sat for more than six hours a day had a 37 percent increased risk of premature death, compared to 18 percent for men.


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