Health | featured news

Disney to stop some junk-food ads on kids' TV


Walt Disney Co. will stop accepting some junk-food ads on TV programs, radio shows and websites aimed at children, according to sources with knowledge of the plan.


Hormone Drug Slows Prostate Cancer Growth

Johnson & Johnson's drug Zytiga slowed the growth of prostate cancer in a clinical trial of men who hadn't undergone chemotherapy.


Drugs may prompt immune system to strike cancer


Medical science efforts to harness the power of the immune system against cancer are beginning to bear fruit after decades of frustration, opening up a hopeful new front in the long battle against the disease.


Paralysed rats 'learn to walk'

Paralysed Rats Learned to Walk

Paralysed rats have been able to walk again when their spinal cords were bathed in chemicals and zapped with electricity, scientists have shown.


NYC proposes ban on sale of oversized sodas, sugary drinks

Sugary Drinks

New York City plans to ban the sale of large sodas and other sugary drinks in an effort to combat obesity.


Well: For Some, Exercise May Increase Heart Risk


Could exercise actually be bad for some healthy people? A well-known group of researchers, including one who helped write the scientific paper justifying national guidelines that promote exercise for all, say the answer may be a qualified yes.


Scientists turn skin cells into beating heart muscle

Scientists have for the first time succeeded in taking skin cells from patients with heart failure and transforming them into healthy, beating heart tissue that could one day be used to treat the condition.


Flesh-eating infections: Scores per year

A foundation devoted to education about and treatment of flesh-eating bacteria cites government figures estimating 500 to 1,500 cases occur in the United States each year. But media coverage of these cases is rare, so the story of a Georgia grad student fighting the disease may help raise awareness, the foundation's co-founder says.


20% 'Fat Tax' Needed to Fight Obesity

It's a proposition some might find hard to swallow: a 20-percent tax on unhealthy food to improve the health of the nation.


Higher education linked to longer life, CDC report shows

Higher Education

Education may not only improve a person's finances, it is also linked to better health habits and a longer life.


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