Hackers | featured news

Bits Blog: Zappos Says Hackers May Have Accessed Customer Account Details

Zappos.com Hacked

In a letter posted on the Zappos Web site, the company's chief executive said a "criminal" might have obtained customers' names, addresses, phone numbers and partial credit card information.


Hackers disrupt Israel airline, stock market sites

Middle East Hackers

A hacker network that claims to be based in Saudi Arabia paralyzed the websites of Israel's stock exchange and national airline on Monday, escalating an international cyber war that has jolted this security-obsessed country.


China hackers breached U.S. Chamber of Commerce: report

Hackers in China broke through the computer defenses of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce last year and were able to access information about its operations and its 3 million members, the Wall Street Journal reported on Wednesday.


Huawei honors the hacker community, releases “demo” Android Ice Cream Sandwich ROM

Huawei honors the hacker community, releases "demo" Android Ice Cream Sandwich ROM for their Honor smartphone.


Cyber attacks could wreck world oil supply

Oil Supply

Hackers are bombarding the world's computer controlled energy sector, conducting industrial espionage and threatening potential global havoc through oil supply disruption.


How Hackers Take Over Web Sites with SQL Injection / DDoS

Even if you’ve only loosely followed the events of the hacker groups Anonymous and LulzSec, you’ve probably heard about web sites and services being hacked, like the infamous Sony hacks. Have you ever wondered how they do it?


‘Anonymous’ Releases IP Info for 190 Alleged Pedophiles

‘Anonymous’ Releases IP Info for 190 Alleged Pedophiles

Anonymous' forceful closure of more than 40 child pornography sites was apparently only the beginning of the group's war against pedophile activity on the internet. The group has continued its action by releasing the internet addresses of 190 alleged pedophiles online, using information collected from the sites it had earlier shut down.

Senh: Nice! Hackers doing good for the community.


News Corp scandal spreads with Sun reporter arrest

The phone hacking scandal engulfing Rupert Murdoch's News Corp threatened to spread to other titles on Friday, as sources said a journalist at the Sun newspaper had been arrested over allegations of police bribery.


US report blasts China, Russia for cybercrime

Cyber-attacks by Chinese and Russian intelligence services, as well corporate hackers in those countries, have swallowed up large amounts of high-tech American research and development data, and that stolen information has helped build their economies, U.S. intelligence agencies have concluded.

Senh: The United States doesn't like China and Russia. First, there was the study that those two countries are the most corrupt. Now, they also commit the most cyber crimes.


"Anonymous" Now Fighting Child Pornography

Anonymous, the group of high-powered hackers famous for taking down websites belonging to Bank of America, Sony, has turned its vigilante brand of online activism on child pornography sites.

Senh: Yay! This is awesome news. I am now a fan of Anonymous. Wikileaks should follow in their direction and leak all personal data retrieved from those sites.


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