Middle East, Hackers | featured news

HACKER WAR ON ASSAD: Anonymous Vows Cyber 'Take Down' of Syria, Allies


An Internet blackout and complete lack of phone service has not stopped the infamous international hacker group Anonymous from its cyberwar on the Syrian regime. The hacker group, which has been credited with online attacks on governments, international banks and even the CIA, claims it is retaliating against the embattled regime of Bashar al-Assad, which it believes had shut down online and cellphone access this week, perhaps in preparation for a major offensive.


Science fiction-style sabotage a fear in new hacks

Science fiction-style sabotage a fear in new hacks

When a computer attack hobbled Iran's unfinished nuclear power plant last year, it was assumed to be a military-grade strike, the handiwork of elite hacking professionals with nation-state backing.


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