China | featured news

U.S. sees "significant" win in China trade dispute

The United States has chalked up a big win at the World Trade Organization against Chinese market barriers that encourage piracy of U.S. books, music and films, U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk said on Wednesday.


One million flee China typhoon

One million flee China typhoon

People leave China's south-east coast and boats are called home as a typhoon nears that caused severe floods in Taiwan.


Town in China sealed off after plague kills two

AFP - A town in a Tibetan area in northwest China has been sealed off after two of its residents died from pneumonic plague, the local government and state media said Sunday.


China says another 319 detained over Xinjiang riot

Police in western China have detained another 319 people suspected of being involved in deadly ethnic unrest between Muslim minority ...


Uighur leader says 10,000 went missing in one night

Uighur leader says 10,000 went missing in one night

Nearly 10,000 Uighurs involved in deadly riots in China's northwestern Xinjiang region went missing in one night, exiled Uighur activist Rebiya Kadeer said Wednesday, calling for an international investigation.


Obama calls for deeper U.S.-Chinese ties

U.S. and Chinese officials began grappling on Monday with how and when to withdraw the huge economic stimulus spending each has applied and to put in place measures to promote steadier long-term growth.


Low bar, long horizon for U.S.-China talks

China is bringing 150 senior officials, including nearly its whole Cabinet, to the United States this week for talks whose symbolic value is likely to trump concrete achievements.


China Urges Couples to Have Two Kids

Shanghai is urging eligible couples to have two children as worries about the looming liability of an aging population outweighs concerns about over-stretched resources, a city official said on Friday.


Chinese Worker Commits Suicide Over Missing iPhone

Chinese worker Sun Danyong was responsible for handling the prototypes of one of the world's hottest products — the iPhone. When one of the gadgets went missing and his company began investigating him, he jumped off his apartment building and killed himself.


Monster solar eclipse comes 'once-in-a-lifetime'

The world's most populous nations will gaze skywards on Wednesday as the longest total solar eclipse of the 21st Century lays a carpet of darkness across India and China, from Mumbai to Shanghai.


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