The Great American Brain Drain: Why 24 Million People Quit Their Jobs Every Year Two million Americans give notice every month. What pushes them to do so -- and what can employers do to staunch the talent drain? Some potent answers from Alan Hall, a veteran entrepreneur, angel investor, venture capitalist and contributor. More
France mulls law to let strikers ransack offices With its long vacations, short hours and myriad workers' rights, France has a reputation for being a hard place to do business. Now add this to the mix: A law working its way through parliament would grant amnesty to workers who have ransacked their company's offices or threatened their bosses during a labor dispute. More
Mom Stress: The Working Mom's Guide To A Stress-Free Morning It's 6:50 a.m., and the Huff household is in chaos. While mom Rachel coaxes her towheaded son Grant to get off the family computer ("One more minute," he's been saying since 6:30), husband Forrest fries eggs and corned beef hash for daughter Andie, who isn't even out of bed. More
How to complain: Squeaky wheel still gets the grease Most people who have a complaint don’t really push for a solution. They make a quick phone call or send an email, but if they get the brush-off, they’re done. The fact is, if you want to get your problem solved, you need to speak up and stand your ground until the company makes you happy. More
How do you create a workplace that people want to work in? We embedded in a company to find out It’s been five years since the pandemic lockdowns of 2020 disrupted the traditional office workplace. For a while, it seemed COVID-19 killed the office. Companies are now returning to the office in ... 01/17/2025 - 1:25 am | View Link
Gen Z Doesn’t See Work Like You Do: Here’s What You Can Do About It Z is rewriting the rules. By 2030, they’ll represent nearly 30% of the labor force. Here is how to work well with Gen Z. 01/17/2025 - 12:00 am | View Link
Does Remote Work Boost Productivity? Experts Weigh in Remote work has transformed the modern workplace by offering flexibility and reducing commute times for employees. While evidence suggests it has generally resulted in higher productivity, some ... 01/16/2025 - 11:55 pm | View Link
Doing Less To Achieve More In 2025: The Importance Of Internal Work Your quality of life will largely be defined by how you feel, how you make others feel and how much control you have over either of those things. 01/16/2025 - 1:00 am | View Link
Sedentary work linked to 37% higher risk of insomnia-like symptoms, new study finds If you find yourself falling into poor sleep patterns, your job design may be the culprit. Experts weigh in on improving your nightly rest. 01/14/2025 - 7:35 pm | View Link
Photoshop has long topped the creative software chain, but how does it compare to Affinity Photo and Pixelmator Pro for image editing and manipulation?
If you often forget what you read almost instantly, building a personal knowledge management system could be the key to finally remembering and using what you learn. Here's how I made it work.
I’m a thrifty spender, so when streaming services started having ad-supported tiers, I hopped on the bandwagon. It was primarily to save money and still have access to content, but there were unexpected benefits, too.
If you watch TikToks, you’ve likely come across videos about "romanticizing" your life. In essence, romanticizing is all about making everyday routines or tasks feel a little more special. Here are four simple ways I use tech to do just that.
Smart bulbs promise modern convenience at budget prices, but hidden risks often lurk behind their low cost. Unfortunately, these seemingly innocent gadgets could pose bigger problems for your home than ever imagined.
Dear Eric: I took a job in DC at the behest of my close friend, who also invited me to live with her. She said she was retiring and moving back to her Midwest hometown. She offered to rent her townhouse to me for a really reduced rate while she’s in transition.
Well, not only is she not making any attempts to move, but she also comments on my eating choices and constantly gives me unsolicited advice.