Lineage societies are those founded by, and for the descendants of, noted ancestors who were primarily engaged in a historic event - such as a war or battle, the birth of a new state, country, or town, an immigration, or any other event that is heralded in the history books. The Society causes can be philanthropic, historical, genealogical, or educational; however, their objectives are generally to foster the memory and ideals of their ancestors for which the Society was founded.
American Wars and Conflicts
This category is comprised of lineage societies whose membership requirements are based upon descendancy to an ancestor who was directly connected to any of the American wars or conflicts, including the Revolutionary War and the Civil War.
Children of the American Revolution,
Daughters of the American Revolution,
Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic,
Military Order of the Stars and Bars,
National Woman's Relief Corps,
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This catgory is comprised of lineage societies whose membership is based upon descendancy back to a colonial ancestor who arrived in one of the thirteen original American colonies prior to the American Revolution.
Daughters of American Colonists,
Mayflower Society,
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This category is comprised of national and international societies in which membership is limited to those blood descendants of a particular country or culture, including the Clan Societies.
St. Andrew's Society,
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European Historical
Comprised of lineage societies whose membership is based upon blood ancestory to individuals who played a role in a significant historical or social event which occurred in any of the countries of Europe up to and including World War II.
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This category is host to those lineage societies whose membership is comprised of the descendants of pioneer ancestors to any European or American territory.
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