Roundup: Self-help books so you can bloom in spring ... Until you open this charming paperback original, its title seems rather grating, with its hint of artfully arranged berets and obscure hobbies. Yet author, blogger and cartoonist Jessica Hagy has written the perfect gift for recent grads (and their worn-down parents). More
Google sells Frommer's guides back to Arthur Frommer Arthur Frommer, the avuncular, erudite travel icon who 57 years ago inspired a generation of cost-conscious Americans to pack their bags with Europe on 5 Dollars a Day, is taking back control of his travel guidebook brand from Google and intends to resume publishing Frommer guidebooks. More
How To Successfully Work From Home Lisa Kanarek, a home office expert, author and founder of, suggests you designate a specific place for a home office--and store all work-related files, reference materials and supplies there. More
Ron Paul to make paid speeches after leaving Congress When Texas Rep. Ron Paul retires in a few weeks, he'll follow one of the tried and true paths out of Congress to the paid speakers' circuit. Paul, who delivered babies before getting elected, has signed up with the Greater Talent Network, one of the top agencies that book celebrity speakers. More
Book Buzz: Give the gift of books this holiday season Take a look at today's top book and publishing news... Find a beautiful coffee-table book for anyone on your list with USA TODAY's Jocelyn McClurg's guide, from Monumental Venice to Rolling Stones 50. And for the aspiring cooks in your life, check out Carol Memmott's cookbook suggestions and read a recipe from each of the books. More
Public speaking for introverts: Turning quiet strengths into powerful impact Public speaking often conjures images of bold voices, big gestures, and an almost theatrical command of the stage.It’s no wonder many introverts shy away from this spotlight, assuming their quieter ... 01/20/2025 - 2:11 am | View Link
Make 3 Mental Shifts to Become a Supremely Confident Public Speaker I lead several classes on campus and online that focus on public speaking, communication, and presentation skills. Business professionals, executives, and leaders from at least a dozen countries are ... 01/18/2025 - 1:00 am | View Link
4-H workshop to teach public speaking skills to youth Youth ages 9-19 are invited to a free workshop to develop public speaking and presentation skills. Hosted by OSU Extension 4-H, the event will take place Monday, Feb. 01/14/2025 - 8:57 am | View Link
A Brain Scientist’s 8-Word Secret for Better Public Speaking and Presentation Skills Cognitive science finds 3 proven public speaking hacks and presentation skills to hook your audience and keep them engaged. 01/14/2025 - 8:45 am | View Link
Speaking Makes You Sweat? Tips To Boost Your Confidence And Competence The ability to speak comfortably in front of a group is a must for any professional who wants to succeed in the marketplace of ideas. 01/13/2025 - 5:00 pm | View Link
Public Speaking Anxiety: What Is It and Tips to Overcome It Public speaking anxiety, aka glossophobia, is the fear of speaking in front of others. It can be overwhelming but there are ways to cope. 01/19/2025 - 8:09 pm | View Website
Glossophobia (Fear of Public Speaking): Causes and Coping The fear of public speaking is a social phobia and may be caused by several factors, including genetics, learned behavior, and past experiences. It is a commonly held fear, and people with glossophobia may experience anxiety surrounding either interaction with others, performing in public, or a combination of both. 01/19/2025 - 7:16 am | View Website
Fear of public speaking: How can I overcome it? Fear of public speaking is a form of performance anxiety, along with stage fright and test anxiety. But people with severe performance anxiety that includes great anxiety in other social situations may have social anxiety disorder, also called social phobia. People with social anxiety disorder can be helped by cognitive behavioral therapy ... 01/19/2025 - 12:14 am | View Website
Glossophobia or the Fear of Public Speaking Glossophobia, or the fear of public speaking, is quite common. In fact, some experts estimate that as much as 77% of the population has some level of anxiety regarding public speaking . For many of us, it can be very uncomfortable to speak in public and be the center of attention and even if we do it, it's often not without some trepidation and ... 01/18/2025 - 10:02 am | View Website
Glossophobia (Fear of Public Speaking): Are You Glossophobic? A fear of public speaking often is present in individuals with social anxiety disorder, Dr. Strawn says, and these social anxiety disorders may affect 5 to 9% of Americans. “However, it is ... 01/18/2025 - 10:02 am | View Website
Long-haul travel sometimes means not knowing when you can next charge your phone, even if you find a charging port. However, remembering this one cable will help you keep your device charged.
CapCut, alongside TikTok, got banned and then unbanned all in the span of twelve hours, and its future remains uncertain. Instagram saw this as the perfect chance to drop Edits, a blatant CapCut copycat. So, how does it stack up against CapCut?
Buying a new smart TV can feel like a confusing process. There are so many specs and features to consider! That's why when I head out to buy a new smart TV, I always check these six specific features.
It's easy to make your home a personalized sanctuary when you have the right tools on hand. The demand for technology that seamlessly blends functionality and aesthetics is skyrocketing, and that's where the MorningBlues Gallery T2 speaker comes in.
Dear Eric: My wife and I are both 70. We recently gave up our landline and now both carry our cellphones. Lately my wife, when receiving a text or call, will stop what she’s doing to reply. While eating lunch together recently and having a conversation, a text came in and she interrupted our talk to respond.
I voiced my feelings about being made to feel second class and asked if she couldn’t have waited to address this, unless it was timely or very important.