Anti-government Protest, Tunisia | featured news

World Bank unveils $6 billion for Egypt and Tunisia

World Bank President Robert Zoellick on Tuesday unveiled $6 billion in funding to help Tunisia and Egypt address budget and reserve shortfalls this year and next, following popular uprisings that ended years of dictatorships but which have caused economic stress.


Tunisia Orders Curfew to Quell Renewed Protests

As gov't hopes to diminish protests, former juror warns that army could rule country if Islamist party wins electionsHuman Rights Group: 800 Dead in Syria ProtestsYemeni Police Fire Into Crowd of Protesters, 11 InjuredQaddafi Forces Bomb Fuel Depot


Government ousted in Jordan

Jordan's King Abdullah II on Tuesday dismissed Prime Minister Samir Rifai and his cabinet after widespread protests by crowds of people inspired by demonstrations in Egypt, Tunisia and elsewhere.


Tunisian police join protesters

In Tunisia, police join demonstrators calling for the interim government to resign.


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