Tunisia | featured news

Tunisian president asks Islamist to form government

Tunisian President Moncef Marzouki on Friday asked Interior Minister Ali Larayedh, a hardliner from the main Islamist Ennahda party, to form a government within two weeks, his spokesman said.


U.S. orders embassy staff to leave Tunis, Khartoum

The United States ordered non-essential staff to leave its embassies in Tunisia and Sudan on Saturday after both diplomatic posts were attacked and Khartoum rejected a U.S. request to send a platoon of Marines to bolster security at its mission there.


A Map of Muslim Protests Around the World

If you can't keep track of all the Muslim protests erupting across the globe, you're not alone. The uproar over a 14-minute anti-Islam YouTube video has sparked furious protests from Somalia to Egypt to Sudan to Tunisia to Libya to Bangladesh to Indonesia to Pakistan. With new reports of protests surfacing every minute, we've compiled the latest reported incidents into this handy interactive Google Map. Click the locations and embedded links for more details about each incident.


Tunisia counts votes after first Arab Spring election

Tunisian election officials counted the votes Monday after the country's first free election, 10 months on from the moment Mohamed Bouazizi set himself on fire in a protest that started the Arab Spring uprisings.


Tunisia ready for 'Arab Spring' election

Barely hours after polls opened in Tunisia's landmark elections, the line of voters waiting to enter a polling station in the capital's upscale Menzah neighborhood stretched around the block and out of sight.


Tunisia needs $125 billion in funding over five years: report

Tunisia's government said it needs $125 billion in funding over the next five years to finance a massive economic program aimed at boosting growth and cutting unemployment, state-run news agency TAP said on Sunday.


World Bank unveils $6 billion for Egypt and Tunisia

World Bank President Robert Zoellick on Tuesday unveiled $6 billion in funding to help Tunisia and Egypt address budget and reserve shortfalls this year and next, following popular uprisings that ended years of dictatorships but which have caused economic stress.


Tunisia Orders Curfew to Quell Renewed Protests

As gov't hopes to diminish protests, former juror warns that army could rule country if Islamist party wins electionsHuman Rights Group: 800 Dead in Syria ProtestsYemeni Police Fire Into Crowd of Protesters, 11 InjuredQaddafi Forces Bomb Fuel Depot


Tunisia prime minister resigns

Tunisia prime minister resigns

The prime minister of Tunisia has stepped down from the interim government, according to the country's official news agency.


The Government's Case Against Julian Assange Is Falling Apart

The Government's Case Against Julian Assange Is Falling Apart

With popular uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt spinning along, each with a certain amount of world-reshaping potential, there's been a lot of new attention focused on the role that WikiLeaks has played in these events. Ian Black, the Middle East editor of The Guardian, one of the key newspapers disseminating diplomatic cables from WikiLeaks' trove, told NPR last night that he didn't feel the leaked cables were the primary driver of these uprisings. Nevertheless, WikiLeaks seems to have helped to remove the people now demonstrating on the streets from their isolation by providing a "confirmation of what people in these countries know and feel intuitively," about the conditions under which they have lived.


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