Mitt Romney, Illegal Immigration | featured news

Mitt Romney says he would lead on immigration, he just won’t say how

Mitt Romney has had a lot to say about immigration over the past few days, but what he has said adds up to a giant question mark. Rarely has a presidential candidate had as many opportunities to clarify or recalibrate his position on a vital issue, and rarely has a candidate passed up those opportunities as consistently as the former governor.


Obama pounds Romney on immigration

As President Obama heads to Florida to talk to Hispanic lawmakers, his re-election campaign is hitting Republican opponent Mitt Romney over the immigration issue. A new video from the campaign spotlights Romney's refusal to say whether he would repeal Obama's new policy ending deportations of children of illegal immigrants.


Romney won't say he'll overturn immigration order

Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney is refusing to say that he would overturn President Barack Obama's new policy allowing some young illegal immigrants to stay in the United States... before the Iowa caucuses in January, when he faced the challenge of winning over the right-wing base of the GOP, he pledged to veto legislation backed by Democrats that would have created a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants brought to the U.S. as children.

Senh: Mitt "The Flip-flopping Etch-A-Sketch" Romney is at it again.


Romney hits Perry on immigration in robo-calls

Mitt Romney's campaign is reportedly paying for automated calls in Iowa that hit GOP presidential rival Rick Perry on illegal immigration.

Senh: Now that Herman Cain's busy with the sexual harassment lawsuits, which was supposedly planted by Rick Perry, Mitt Romney's targeting Perry. He should thank Perry for pushing Cain out of way.


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