Tea Party, 2012 Republican Presidential Candidate | featured news

Newt Gingrich wins Tea Party Patriots straw poll

Newt Gingrich emerged the winner in a Sunday night straw poll of tea party voters after he and three other Republican presidential candidates courted more than 23,000 activists during a tele forum sponsored by the Tea Party Patriots coalition.


Tea partyers not keen about GOP presidential field

Just a year ago, tea party activists came roaring out of the congressional elections eager to shape the looming race for the White House.


Tea-party favorite O'Donnell endorses Romney

Republican political figure and tea-party favorite Christine O'Donnell says she's backing Mitt Romney's presidential bid....

Senh: I'm not sure if this is a good endorsement for Mitt Romney. Christine O'Donnell isn't exactly well-regarded. With Newt Gingrich surging in the polls, and him stumbling a bit lately, I guess he needs all the help he can get.


GOP rivals hope to court Cain supporters

Michele Bachmann

A day after Herman Cain shuttered his Republican candidacy for president, struggling GOP hopefuls looked to pick up the fallen candidate's tea party following and upset a primary dynamic that has pushed Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich to the forefront....


Herman Cain and Newt Gingrich Meet For a Congenial Debate

The rancor that defined much of the last week on the Republican presidential campaign trail subsided a bit here on Saturday night, as Newt Gingrich and Herman Cain basked in each other’s company and the warm embrace of the Texas Tea Party for what was styled as an old-fashioned issues-focused debate.

Senh: Why couldn't they more issues-focused debates like this. I'm not a fan of shouting during debates. It makes for great entertainment, but it also turns in Jerry Springer.


Palin now just 5 points behind Obama in new poll

Palin now just 5 points behind Obama in new poll

Tea Party supporters walk past a sign of Sarah Palin during the Tea Party of America's "Restoring America" event at the Indianola Balloon Festival Grounds September 3, 2011 in Indianola, Iowa.


Rick Perry moves ahead of Mitt Romney in race for GOP nomination in new poll

Rick Perry moves ahead of Mitt Romney in race for GOP nomination in new poll

Aided by strong tea party support, Texas Gov. Rick Perry has surged in the race for the Republican presidential nomination, pushing former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney into second place and significantly diminishing the once-rising star of Rep. Michele Bachmann (Minn.), according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.


The Caucus: Romney Plays Down Divisions Between Tea Party and G.O.P.

Former Gov. Mitt Romney of Massachusetts told supporters that the gap between the Tea Party and traditional Republicans was not as wide as many people seem to believe.


Tea party bulling its way into 2012 GOP race

Bulling its way into 2012, the tea party is shaping the race for the GOP presidential nomination as candidates parrot the movement's language and promote its agenda while jostling to win its favor.


Mitt Romney shifts to right in move to head off Rick Perry

Mitt Romney appears to be trying to block Rick Perry's attempt to claim the Tea Party candidate mantle.


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