Technology, Droid | featured news

Motorola Droid Bionic: Hands On

Motorola Droid Bionic: Hands On

The Motorola Droid Bionic is Verizon's first dual-core, LTE phone, a $299 behemoth that wraps together everything the carrier has to offer. Techies on Verizon have been waiting a long time for this phone. Does it live up to the hype?


New Droid to be rolled out

A day before the the much-hyped release of the iPhone 4, Verizon is announcing a new Droid phone that's got some analysts more excited.


Android US Market Share Rises To 28%, Surpassing IPhone's: NPD

Android US Market Share Rises To 28%, Surpassing IPhone's: NPD

The Android mobile operating system passed Apple Inc.'s (AAPL) iPhone in terms of US market share during the first quarter, according to a report issued Monday by the NPD Group.


Verizon Droid vs. Google Nexus One: An Ongoing Comparison

Verizon Droid vs. Google Nexus One: An Ongoing Comparison

How does Google's own Android phone stack up against the model already on the market? Let's look at the facts (so far). For the past two months, Verizon Wireless's Droid by Motorola has had the privilege of holding the undisputed title of Coolest ...


Android Developers: Here's Some Sample Code & Tutorials

Ever since finding myself the happy owner of a Droid (+1 for early Christmas presents), I've found myself increasingly interested in the app market for Android-powered devices.


App Search: iDon't and Neither Does Droid

App Search: iDon't and Neither Does Droid

With the iPhone, it's all about the apps. At least that's what the commercials on TV tell us. Naturally, I wanna see what apps are available on the App Store. Disappointingly, it only shows a categorized selection - out of the 100,000 that's available. Directories died a long time ago; just give me a search box.


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