Apple, Cell Phone | featured news

Samsung Expects to Sue Over iPhone 5

Samsung Electronics Co. said Thursday it anticipates accusing Apple Inc. of patent infringement over the iPhone 5, in a U.S. court case separate from the one that grabbed worldwide attention last month.


Apple’s new iOS 6 system coming today

Even if you’re not planning to upgrade your iPhone to the iPhone 5, that doesn’t mean you have to sit out the smartphone refresh fun. Apple’s going to release the next version of its operating system, iOS 6, to the public Wednesday, which will come with an improved version of Siri, a new mapping app and calling features, such as the ability to set a “do not disturb” period.


iPhone pre-order shipping moved back

The rush to be the first kid on the block with the latest iPhone is on. At midnight on Thursday, the new iPhone 5 became available for pre-order online though the Apple, Verizon, Sprint and AT&T sites. On Friday, major online outlets had already moved their estimated shipping dates back, indicating a large volume of orders or limited supply of iPhones ready to ship next Friday, September 21.


Delivery times rise for iPhone 5

iPhone 5

Delivery times have climbed quickly as Apple takes orders for the iPhone 5, suggesting strong demand. Apple began taking orders for the phone at 12 a.m. Pacific time. It initially promised delivery by next Friday, when the new phone also goes on sale in stores.


Apple: iPhone 5 in stores Sept. 21

Apple on Wednesday revealed that the new iPhone 5 will be in stores in the U.S. and several other countries on Sept. 21.


Undercover Report: The iPhone 5 You'll Soon Have Was Made In 'Nightmare' Working Conditions

A reporter from the Shanghai Evening Post says he worked undercover at Foxconn Tai Yuan factory for ten days... He depicts run down facilities, grueling hours, tedious jobs, and disgusting living quarters.


Apple's website confirming iPhone 5 by accident?

Apple Website might be giving away some of Tim Cook's announcements planned for Wednesday, according to multiple reports. Nine to 5 Mac is saying that you can see some of what Apple has planned for its announcement Wednesday if you use the search function on the company's website. Among the secrets being divulged is the name of the next iPhone, which seems like it will be called the iPhone 5.


New iPhone could boost U.S. GDP by up to 0.5 percent, JP Morgan says

The next generation iPhone 5, which Apple Inc. plans to release this week, could not only boost the tech giant's bottom line - but could give a significant boost to the overall U.S. economy.


T-Mobile launches campaign to lure iPhone users

T-Mobile USA, the only "Big 4" phone company that doesn't sell the iPhone, now wants to snag used ones from AT&T. Starting Wednesday, when Apple is expected to reveal a new iPhone model, T-Mobile will start advertising that AT&T iPhone owners who are out of contract can switch to T-Mobile.


Microsoft, Nokia unveil new Lumia as mobile race revs up

Nokia and Microsoft Corp took the wraps off the struggling European company's most powerful smartphone on Wednesday, in what may be their last major shot at reclaiming a market lost to Apple, Samsung and Google.


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