Senate, Health Care Debate | featured news

In Senate Health Showdown, Round Goes to G.O.P.

In Senate Health Showdown, Round Goes to G.O.P.

As Senate Democrats struggle to line up 60 votes and pass their health care bill before Christmas, an attempt to debate a single-payer system fails.


Divided Senate opens health care debate

Divided Senate opens health care debate

Riven by partisanship, the Senate plunged into a debate Monday over sweeping health care legislation that President Barack Obama and congressional Democrats have vowed to approve and Republicans have sworn to block.


Biden says Senate handed Obama a big victory

Biden says Senate handed Obama a big victory

Vice President Joe Biden told Iowa Democrats on Saturday that the Senate handed the president a big victory with its decision to move forward with debate on sweeping legislation to overhaul the nation's health care system.


Senate begins health-care debate

Senate begins health-care debate

LIVE BLOGGING | Debate leads up to a vote that serves as a critical test for Obama's proposal.


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