Barack Obama, Health Care Debate | featured news

Health care debate goes live

Health care debate goes live

President Obama will meet with Democrats and Republicans to talk about health care reform February 25, and the meeting will be broadcast live, a senior administration official says.


Divided Senate opens health care debate

Divided Senate opens health care debate

Riven by partisanship, the Senate plunged into a debate Monday over sweeping health care legislation that President Barack Obama and congressional Democrats have vowed to approve and Republicans have sworn to block.


Biden says Senate handed Obama a big victory

Biden says Senate handed Obama a big victory

Vice President Joe Biden told Iowa Democrats on Saturday that the Senate handed the president a big victory with its decision to move forward with debate on sweeping legislation to overhaul the nation's health care system.


Obama hits back at insurers over health reform

Obama hits back at insurers over health reform

U.S. President Barack Obama hit back at the health insurance industry on Thursday, accusing it of trying to deceive Americans about healthcare reform and vowing to overhaul the industry in Congress.


Health Insurers Emerge As Obama's Top Foe

What was a tenuous truce between White House and industry turns quickly into an all-out battle, with both sides ratcheting up hostilities, rhetoric.


Obama again tackles "myths" on healthcare reform

Obama again tackles

President Barack Obama hammered away at "outrageous myths" about his healthcare reform plans on Saturday, seeking again to take control of a debate that has tarnished support for his top domestic policy goal.


Health care debate turns vile with Nazi analogy

Rush Limbaugh and those who invoking the Nazi analogy to attack President Barack Obama's effort to reform health care in America are not “insane” as David Brooks pronounced on last Sunday's “Meet the Press.


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