Technology, Mobile | featured news

HTC launching online app store?

HTC may launch an online app store that will sell both applications and e-Books according to a recent rumor.


Nokia reabsorbs Symbian software

Nokia takes back control of the Symbian operating system, 18 months after it set up a non-profit organisation to oversee its development.


First Windows Phone 7 Devices Go On Sale: Full Reviews

First Windows Phone 7 Devices Go On Sale: Full Reviews

The first three US phones running Microsoft's Windows Phone 7 OS go on sale today, with the Samsung Focus (4 stars) and HTC Surround (3 stars) debuting on AT&T and the HTC HD7 (3.5 stars) becoming available on T-Mobile. All three phones cost $199 with ...


Opera Mini 5.1 for Windows Mobile

Opera Mini 5.1 for Windows Mobile

With all the talk focused on Android, iPhone, and lately Windows Phone 7, I’m glad the guys at Opera haven’t forgetten about the group of us who are still using Windows Mobile 6.5 (or earlier versions). Opera released a native version of Opera Mini 5 Beta for Windows Mobile earlier this year, and being a beta release, it was buggy. Sometime in September, they finally got a chance fix those bugs and improve the page rendering.


Android vs. iPhone: Another round, another knockout

Android vs. iPhone: Another round, another knockout

When it comes to tech rivalries, everyone loves a good smackdown -- but the race for smartphone dominance is starting to feel like a blowout sporting event where there's almost no point in watching.


PayPal Races To Fix IPhone App Security Flaw

Internet-payment provider PayPal said its iPhone application contained a security flaw that could allow a hacker to access users' accounts and has rushed out an update to correct the problem.


Facebook, with 200M mobile users, will not make phone

Facebook, with 200M mobile users, will not make phone

Co-founder shares info about 'Deals,' other mobile apps, improvements for social networking site.


Revenues from mobile video calling to surpass $1 billion by 2015

After Juniper, we have another research company exploring the prospects of the mobile video calling services. It’s In-Stat which has found that this market’s total revenues will exceed $1 billion by 2015.


Samsung Galaxy S2 Rumored Specs Sound too Good to be True

The Samsung Galaxy S variants have been a nice success so far and fans are looking forward to the next iteration of the series.


Flash 10.1 Tops 1 Million Downloads on Android Phones

Flash 10.1 has officially surpassed the 1-million-downloads mark for Android smartphones, according to information we’ve just received from Adobe.


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