Housing Market, Foreclosure | featured news

Renter paid on time, evicted anyway

Renter paid on time, evicted anyway

When Lisa Brown moved into her rental house on Long Island last summer with her three daughters, she says, it felt like a new beginning.


Obama Announces New Plan To Aid Homeowners

President Barack Obama announced fresh aid to struggling homeowners in California Thursday, playing a bit of divide-and-conquer by pitting his Republican critics in Washington against GOP governors and mayors eager for the federal money.


House OKs bill to let judges rewrite mortgages

The House has passed legislation to give debt-strapped homeowners a chance to win lower mortgage payments through bankruptcy courts.


One in 8 U.S. households late paying or in foreclosure

One in 8 U.S. households late paying or in foreclosure

About one in every eight U.S. households, a record share, ended 2008 behind on their mortgage payments or in the foreclosure process as job losses intensified a housing crisis spawned by lax lending practices, the Mortgage Bankers Association said on Thursday


Obama foreclosure fix is open for business

Obama foreclosure fix is open for business

The Obama administration today released details of $75 billion home loan modification and refinancing programs. Borrowers can start contacting loan servicers.


One in five U.S. mortgage borrowers are underwater

One in five U.S. mortgage borrowers are underwater

One in five U.S. homeowners with mortgages owe more to their lenders than their homes are worth, and the rate will increase as housing prices drop in states that have so far avoided the worst of the crisis, a new study shows.


Some U.S. states embrace housing plan, others skeptical

Some U.S. states embrace housing plan, others skeptical

While some U.S. governors were embracing the housing plan President Barack Obama announced last week, as a way to bolster their own assistance efforts, others worried that the plan is unfair.


Obama's foreclosure plan fuels debate in neighborhoods across the nation

Some believe the $75-billion proposal could provide the help they need to stay in their homes. Others -- even though they 'feel for people who are having trouble' -- say it's a taxpayer-funded bailout.


Modifying Mortgages Can Be a Tricky Business

Modifying Mortgages Can Be a Tricky Business

As the Obama administration steps up efforts to help troubled homeowners modify their mortgages, it might consider the experiences of two South Floridians.


White House Unveils Housing Plan

White House Unveils Housing Plan

The Obama administration announced new plans to make it easier for up to nine million people to rework or refinance their mortgages. Geithner said the Treasury is increasing its funding commitment to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.


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