Housing Market, Foreclosure | featured news

FEMA may put storm victims in foreclosed homes

FEMA may put storm victims in foreclosed homes

The federal government is exploring how to put Florida hurricane evacuees in foreclosed homes if a Katrina-like storm devastates ...


Home foreclosures hit record in first quarter

Home foreclosures hit record in first quarter

California, Florida, Nevada and Arizona account for about 46% of the foreclosure starts in the country, the Mortgage Bankers Assn. reports. California and three other states continued to take an outsize share of the blame for the foreclosure epidemic sweeping the nation.


Rancid Pools In Foreclosed Homes Become Disease Incubators

Rancid Pools In Foreclosed Homes Become Disease Incubators

The foreclosure crisis has emptied neighborhoods with once-gleaming pools, now sitting caked with algae, infested with mosquitoes. The problem has grown so dire, environmental health specialists in Western states have turned to mosquitofish to police the stagnant waters; for the little silvery creatures a batch of larvae is like a prime-rib buffet.


Obama administration expected to expand mortgage aid

Obama administration expected to expand mortgage aid

The Obama administration is expected to expand its mortgage aid program on Thursday, announcing new measures that would help ...


U.S. foreclosure filings sets record in April, seen jumping

U.S. foreclosure filings sets record in April, seen jumping

U.S. foreclosure activity in April jumped 32 percent from a year ago to a record high, and should mount because temporary freezes on foreclosures ended in March, RealtyTrac said on Wednesday.


Senate Aims To Overhaul Troubled Foreclosure Prevention Program

Senate Aims To Overhaul Troubled Foreclosure Prevention Program

The Senate today approved a housing bill aimed at addressing the country's growing foreclosure problem, including revamping a troubled government foreclosure prevention program.


America's Most Foreclosure-Ridden Towns

Brad Ramos, the police chief of Indio, Calif., population 79,000, does everything he can to contain his town's foreclosure epidemic. In a town where on the worst streets, 75% of homes are in foreclosure, Ramos hopes that if he can keep the neighborhoods looking presentable, he might be able to hold out long enough for when buyers return.


Obama launches mortgage rescue plan

The Obama administration's loan modification program is finally underway.


U.S. foreclosure filings jump as moratoriums end

U.S. foreclosure activity leaped 46 percent in March from a year earlier, hitting a record high as programs stunting the torrid pace of failing mortgages expired, RealtyTrac reported on Thursday.


Evicted homeowner who shot herself dies

Addie Polk, who became the national face of the foreclosure crisis last fall when she shot herself during an eviction, was a quiet woman who never asked for help.


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