Economy, Protest | featured news

Workers protest to get EU leaders to end austerity

Austerity Protest

Thousands of workers protested in Brussels on Thursday to demand that EU leaders gathering for a summit bring an end to austerity measures and instead focus on boosting growth and reducing unemployment.


Greece hit by general strike against austerity

Greek Austerity Protest

Tens of thousands of anti-austerity demonstrators took to the streets of Athens on Wednesday as unions staged a general strike to protest government spending cuts and tax hikes, which some predict will push unemployment to an alarming 30 percent. Police said up to 40,000 people were participating in two separate marches in central Athens that were so far peaceful.


Italy's Mass Protest: Tens Of Thousands Rally Against Cuts, Hikes, Reforms

Tens of thousands of Italian workers rallied in Rome on Saturday to protest pension cuts, tax hikes and labor reforms imposed by the government of Mario Monti and to demand more stable work, particularly for the young. The demonstration organized by Italy's main labor unions came a day after Monti's latest effort to stave off contagion from Europe's debt crisis. His Cabinet on Friday approved measures worth (EURO)80 billion ($100 billion) to spur economic growth, streamline the notoriously bloated public sector and lower the national debt.


Portugal army protests over cuts

A rare protest by members of Portugal's armed forces against proposed pay and benefit cuts is held in Portugal's capital Lisbon.


Global "Day of Rage" mostly peaceful, Rome clears

The global "Day of Rage" against the world's financial system won some limited sympathy from political and economic leaders on Sunday, after protests that were peaceful everywhere but Italy.

Senh: That's how most protest should be - peaceful. Let's hope these protests will have positive effect on financial institutions and not just a blip on the map. It probably needs to be continuous and sustained in order for it to have lasting impact on the financial industry.


Protesters break windows, clash with police at G20

Protesters break windows, clash with police at G20

Protesters demonstrating against capitalism at the Group of 20 summit ran through central Pittsburgh on Thursday, smashing shop windows as police in riot gear used pepper gas and batons to disperse them.


May Day turns violent in Turkey, Germany, Greece

May Day turns violent in Turkey, Germany, Greece

May Day protesters clashed with riot police in Germany, Turkey and Greece on Friday while thousands angry at the government's responses to the global financial crisis took to the streets in France.


Police Patrol in Force as G-20 Starts

Police Patrol in Force as G-20 Starts

Police in London braced for new protests a day after several thousand demonstrators jammed the streets of London’s financial district in a brief but brutal spasm of violence.


Thousands protest G-20

Thousands protest G-20

Thousands of protesters crowded together outside the Bank of England in London today, a day before President Obama and other leaders gathered for the G-20 summit to discuss the world's economic crisis. Some protesters lunged toward the police line.


Biden appeals to G20 protesters

US Vice-President Joe Biden urges G20 protesters to give governments a chance to tackle the economic crisis.


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