G-20 | featured news

G-20 leaders pledge to halve deficits by 2013

World leaders are lining up behind a bold pledge by rich nations to cut budget deficits in half by 2013.


Protesters Torch Police Cars at G-20

Protesters Torch Police Cars at G-20

The streets of Toronto turned violent as small roving bands of people protesting the G-20 summit set fire to police cars, smashed shop windows, hurled rocks at police headquarters and spray-painted graffiti throughout the downtown area.


G-20 challenged by growth, debt

Leaders' dilemma is how to cut spending without undermining the economies they seek to sustain.


What To Expect At The G-20

What To Expect At The G-20

The largest countries, like China and the U.S., should lead by example. The G-20 meeting this weekend in Canada has a heavy agenda and high expectations. Leaders face a serious challenge to demonstrate determination to follow through on the September 2009 Pittsburgh summit's framework for strong, sustainable and balanced growth.


Germany, France, U.K. Set Bank Levies

Germany, France, U.K. Set Bank Levies

Germany, France and the UK said Tuesday that they will introduce bank levies to offset the cost of future financial crisis and will urge their counterparts from the Group of 20 industrial and developing nations to do the ...


Canada's economy is suddenly the envy of the world

Canada's economy is suddenly the envy of the world

Canada thinks it can teach the world a thing or two about dodging financial meltdowns. The 20 world leaders at an economic summit in Toronto next weekend will find themselves in a country that has avoided a banking crisis where others have floundered, and whose economy grew at a 6.1 percent annual rate in the first three months of this year.


Currency Regime Change In Beijing: What It Means

Currency Regime Change In Beijing: What It Means

The announcement, which you can read in English here, means the end of nearly two years of fixing the Chinese currency to the U.S. dollar, a move that most economists, including many in China, believe is on balance good for both the world and China in the long run. It will make China the most popular attendee at next week's meeting of the G-20 nations in Canada, and it will please traders who have been betting China will allow the yuan to appreciate.


Obama Urges G20 Nations to Maintain Stimulus

Obama Urges G20 Nations to Maintain Stimulus

A letter in advance of a G-20 meeting warned of economic relapse if stimulus programs are withdrawn, and hinted that China’s currency remains too weak.


Analysis: Can G-20 succeed where G-8 failed?

Analysis: Can G-20 succeed where G-8 failed?

The world's most exclusive club has just gotten bigger, and it is promising a lot of big things for the global economy. But it is likely to have just as much trouble delivering results as the smaller group it replaced....


G-20 gridlock leaves financial system at risk

The top industrialized nations are in Pittsburgh to discuss ways to head off another financial collapse. But don't expect any major progress.


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