Toddler, Doh! | featured news

Tot on 'no-fly' list removed from plane

No-Fly Glitch

JetBlue Airways is apologizing for a "computer glitch" it blames for a family being told their 18-month-old daughter was on a government no-fly list.


Toddler served alcohol at Applebee's

A 15-month-old was hospitalized after a behind-the-bar mix-up at a Michigan Applebee's restaurant that left the toddler sipping alcohol instead of apple juice.


Virgin Blue Flight Attendant Sticks 17-Month Old In Overhead Bin

Virgin Blue Flight Attendant Sticks 17-Month Old In Overhead Bin

A Virgin Blue flight attendant played a sick joke on a traveling family and paid the price, according to Australia's Herald Sun.Natalie Williamson and her now estranged husband, Shayne, were traveling with their 17-month old son, Riley, on a flight from Fiji to Sydney when a flight attendant picked up the baby and put him in the overhead compartment, much to the shock and dismay of his parents.


Toddler wanders into Georgia bank vault, gets trapped for hours

A toddler's trip to the bank took a scary turn on Friday when she wandered into the vault and got trapped for four hours. Cops and firefighters could not open the time-locked vault, but a locksmith wielding a large drill saved the day ...


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