Jobs, Work | featured news

The Great American Brain Drain: Why 24 Million People Quit Their Jobs Every Year

I Quit

Two million Americans give notice every month. What pushes them to do so -- and what can employers do to staunch the talent drain? Some potent answers from Alan Hall, a veteran entrepreneur, angel investor, venture capitalist and contributor.


Richard Blumenthal, Connecticut Senator, Says Facebook Passwords Should Not Be Sought By Employers

Richard Blumenthal

A Democratic senator from Connecticut is writing a bill that would stop the practice of employers asking job applicants for their Facebook or other social media passwords, he told The Associated Press on Thursday. U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal said that such a practice is an "unreasonable invasion of privacy for people seeking work."


Job Seekers Getting Asked for Facebook Passwords

In their efforts to vet applicants, some companies and government agencies are going beyond merely glancing at a person's social networking profiles and instead asking to log in as the user to have a look around.


How Your Salary Level Affects Your Happiness

A new survey by the jobs site finds that employees with higher salaries are happier with all aspect of their work life, not just their compensation.


The 12 Most Creative Resumes That Actually Worked [Pics]

The 12 Most Creative Resumes That Actually Worked [Pics]

It's a movie poster! It's a Google results page! These creative resumes actually landed job interviews for their creators.


Help! My boss is driving me nuts

Help! My boss is driving me nuts

Dear Annie: We used to have a great team here, until our boss was replaced by a manager brought in from another part of the company who is now trying to control our every move. He insists on telling everyone what to do and how to do it in minute detail (even though we've all been excelling at our jobs for years).


Ten cubicle-free jobs

Ten cubicle-free jobs

Imagine how your legs feel when you stand up after a long road trip. Your knees pop and your muscles burn.


In tight times, can you slack at work?

The excitement of March Madness inevitably provokes the debate: Just how much slacking is OK on the job? The answer is absolutely none, if you're talking to your manager. But if you're reading this while at work, it might be a matter you feel requires some clarification.


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