Quit | featured news

The Great American Brain Drain: Why 24 Million People Quit Their Jobs Every Year

I Quit

Two million Americans give notice every month. What pushes them to do so -- and what can employers do to staunch the talent drain? Some potent answers from Alan Hall, a veteran entrepreneur, angel investor, venture capitalist and Forbes.com contributor.


Tea Party group chief quits, cites internal split

Dick Armey

Eased out with an $8 million payout provided by an influential Republican fundraiser, former GOP House Majority Leader Dick Armey says he has left the conservative tea party group FreedomWorks because of an internal split over the group's future direction.


German president quits amid scandal

German President Christian Wulff

Angela Merkel's hand-picked choice for the ceremonial post of president resigned on Friday in a scandal over political favors, dealing a blow to the German chancellor.


Singapore Founder Lee to Quit Cabinet

Singapore's first prime minister and founding father of the modern city-state, Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew, said he will leave the government cabinet to make way for a younger generation of leadership.


Key Obama economy adviser to quit

Key Obama economy adviser to quit

President Barack Obama's top economics advisor, Larry Summers, is to leave the administration at the end of the year.


Exhausted Japan finance minister to quit: report

Japan's aged finance minister is to quit due to poor health after weeks of exhausting wrangling over the budget, the Nikkei news agency said on Tuesday, a fresh blow for Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama as he struggles with a frail economy and huge public debt.


Domino's Pizza CEO to Step Down

Domino's CEO David Brandon will step down in March to become athletic director at the University of Michigan. The board plans to name J. Patrick Doyle as his successor.


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