Office, Work | featured news

Women, swearing and the workplace

It's not every day you read about one top-level executive asking another where his balls are. But in the end, former Yahoo CEO Carol Bartz lived up to her reputation for "salty language" and candid management style.


Toxic Colleagues: Nine Coworkers To Watch Out For

You can pick your friends, you can pick your job. But you can't pick your colleagues. How to spot the nine most toxic coworkers in your office.


Are We Neglecting Our Middle Managers?

Nine out of every 10 mid-level managers lack confidence in their own ability to fulfill their job responsibilities!


How To Swim in Office Politics Without Drowning: Part One

How To Swim in Office Politics Without Drowning: Part One

Disheartening as it may be, you seriously disadvantage yourself professionally by trying to side step office politics altogether.


Memo to boss: 11-hour days harm your heart

People working 10 or 11 hours a day are more likely to suffer serious heart problems, including heart attacks, than those clocking off after seven hours, researchers said on Tuesday.


10 things not to say when firing an employee

Amid so much downsizing, it's risky and unnecessary for managers to let feelings confuse what ought to be a clean transaction when firing an employee.


Sex, drugs alleged in suit against Madoff associates

Bernard Madoff's investment firm had a "diversion-filled office environment" featuring a culture of "sexual deviance" and drug use, says a lawsuit filed Tuesday against companies that dealt with the Ponzi-scheme mastermind.


Corner Office: Imagining a World of No Annual Reviews

Carol Bartz, the chief executive of Yahoo, says that immediate feedback is important for employees.


Workplace suicides surge by 28 percent

The Labor Department says the number of workplace suicides increased by 28 percent last year.


Heads of top U.S. companies snub blogs, Facebook: study

The heads of the top U.S. companies might be engaged in the boardroom, but they're switched off when it comes to social media, according to a new study that said CEOs should be more connected to their customers.


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