Mental Health, Brain | featured news

7 Ways to Protect Your Memory

It happens to all of us: You stop at the store and forget the one thing you went for. You blank on your co-worker’s husband’s name—Is it John? Jim? And where are those darn keys?!? It’s normal to be forgetful once in awhile, especially if you’ve got a lot on your plate.


Why Older People Have A Harder Time Multitasking

Why Older People Have A Harder Time Multitasking

The elderly have a harder time multi-tasking than young adults because older people are far less nimble at switching neurological connections in their brains between activities, according to research released on Monday.


Brain anomaly leaves woman without fear

Brain anomaly leaves woman without fear

Researchers who have studied a woman with a missing amygdala — the part of the brain believed to generate fear — report that their findings may help improve treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other anxiety disorders.


Walking 6 to 9 miles a week may help memory

Walking 6 to 9 miles a week may help memory

Walking about 6 miles a week appears to protect against brain shrinkage in old age, which in turn helps stem the onset of memory problems and ...


Little proof brain supplements work

Little proof brain supplements work

In the fight against memory loss, nothing is certain, doctors say. A seemingly steady stream of new research purports to show supplements' and vitamins' promise in preventing or slowing cognitive decline, but in reality no hard evidence supports taking any of them. At the same time, such supplements have been proved safe, barring drug interactions and other complications, so some doctors recommend trying them anyway.


Exercise makes your brain brighter at any age

If you’re trying to motivate yourself to get moving in the new year, here’s some inspiration: Mounting research shows that exercise isn’t just good for the body, it’s also good for the brain.


Study: Tetris Is Good for Your Brain

Study: Tetris Is Good for Your Brain

Tthe classic puzzle game Tetris can boost your brain power, according to a new study.


Study: Scent of Cut Grass Is Calming, Boosts Memory

Study: Scent of Cut Grass Is Calming, Boosts Memory

Had a particularly stressful day at work? Go home and mow your lawn. Scientists have found that a chemical released by freshly cut grass makes people feel content, London's Daily Mail reported.


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