Microsoft, Software | featured news

Google faces new E.U. complaint over mobile search

Microsoft, Oracle, Kayak and other technology and search companies in the coalition have filed a complaint with the European Union over Google’s Android mobile operating system, saying that the platform gives the tech giant an unfair advantage in mobile search.


Windows 8 update coming this summer

A new tablet computer and Windows 8.1: The marriage of the summer? Like a blushing fiancé eager to step up to the altar, Microsoft picked a date and sent out invitations Tuesday for the Build 2013 conference, where the software giant is likely to announce early availability of an update to the Windows 8 operating system.


Microsoft probed over foreign bribery :report

Microsoft Corp said on Tuesday it takes seriously any allegations of misconduct, after a report that the U.S. Department of Justice is investigating potential bribery by Microsoft employees in China, Romania and Italy.


EU fines Microsoft $733M for breaking browser pact

Microsoft Antitrust Fine

The European Union has fined Microsoft €561 million ($733 million) for breaking a pledge to offer personal computer users a choice of Internet browsers when they install the company's flagship Windows operating system.


Europe Expected to Levy Big Fine Against Microsoft

The fine for failing to give Windows users the choice of competing Web browsers would be the first levied by the European Union for neglecting to comply with a settlement.


Microsoft Nabs Alleged Xbox 720 Hacker

Software and tech hardware companies have to protect their secrets and shield their upcoming products from the prying eyes of competition right up to the day they choose to announce. In a multi-billion dollar industry like gaming, market players take this kind of thing seriously. Very seriously. An Australian hacker was visited by a handful of law enforcement officials this week on allegations that he’s been stealing intel about the not-yet-released new Xbox, a Microsoft product.


NYPD, Microsoft create crime-fighting tech system

The New York Police Department has teamed up with Microsoft to create futuristic-sounding computer technology that could help officers fight crime in real time....


Microsoft launches new Office suite

Microsoft launches its new Office software suite which attempts to make its core productivity software easier to use on touch-screen PCs.


Microsoft reportedly in talks to invest in Dell buyout


Microsoft Corp. is reportedly in discussions to help finance a buyout of struggling computer maker Dell Inc. According to the Wall Street Journal, which cited a person familiar with the talks, Microsoft's investment "would likely be in the range of a couple of billion dollars." CNBC reported a range of $1 billion to $3 billion, citing sources close to the matter.


The Windows Phone App Store Argument Moves From Volume to Variety

The Windows Store has passed 150,000 applications, but Microsoft are not making any fuss over it. The psychological 100,000 app mark was passed earlier in the year, and if Microsoft are of the opinion that they don't need to shout out every app milestone, then I am in agreement with them. The hurdle of 'volume' has been overcome, the next step up is 'variety'.


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