New Jersey, Chris Christie | featured news

Behind Christie's decision to take over Camden's schools

Camden School -

A month ago, Gov. Christie's senior staff members laid out the pros and cons of taking over New Jersey's worst-performing school district: Camden. Christie sat alone in his office afterward and came to two conclusions. First, "enough is enough." He had heard calls for a state takeover when he campaigned in 2009 in Camden; his education commissioner, Chris Cerf, had long advocated the move. "Enough waiting, enough excuses, enough of the blame game," Christie recalled thinking.


NJ Gov. Christie: My weight no bar to presidency

Chris Christie

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie says he is "more than a little" overweight - but fit enough to be in the White House. The Republican governor was asked about his weight problem during an interview with Barbara Walters for her "10 Most Fascinating People" special Wednesday night on ABC.


AP sources: Christie files to seek re-election

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie has filed papers to seek re-election next year, while enjoying a popularity surge due to his hands-on response to Superstorm Sandy, the worst natural disaster in state history....


Experts question order allowing immediate reconstruction of N.J. infrastructure that failed during Sandy

...Throughout the week, Gov. Chris Christie and state officials ramped up rhetoric about the need to rebuild the New Jersey shore smarter and stronger in the wake of the storm. But at the same time, an order was signed that temporarily waives permitting requirements, allowing for the immediate reconstruction of the public infrastructure that failed and washed away in the storm’s path.


Ann Romney, Christie on deck at GOP convention

Republicans eagerly looked to showcase Mitt Romney as a man who understands everyday Americans and a leader who can fix the economy, with GOP National Convention speeches Tuesday by the woman who knows him best and tough-talking New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.


Christie Tapped to Give Keynote at G.O.P. Convention

Chris Christie

Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey is giving the keynote address at the Republicans’ national convention later this month. Christie, who considered a 2012 presidential bid of his own before endorsing former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, is already at work on his speech to the convention in Tampa, Fla. His record of cutting his state's budget, curtailing public sector unions and dealing with a Democratic Legislature with disarming and combative confidence all were expected to be on display as he looked to fire up his party's base.


NJ Gov. Christie Vetoes Gay Marriage Bill as Vowed

Same-Sex Marriage

Gov. Chris Christie has followed through on his promise to reject a bill allowing same-sex marriage in New Jersey by quickly vetoing the measure Friday and renewing his call for a ballot question to decide the issue.


Whitney Houston: NJ governor defends lowering flags for singer

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie has strongly defended his decision to have flags flown at half-staff Saturday for Whitney Houston, despite receiving emails and other messages disparaging the singer and criticizing him.


The Caucus: Christie Opting Out of a Run for President, Associates Say

The Caucus: Christie Opting Out of a Run for President, Associates Say

Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey has decided not to run for the White House, a decision he is scheduled to announce at 1 p.m.


Chris Christie reconsiders 2012 presidential race

Chris Christie reconsiders 2012 presidential race

Chris Christie is reconsidering his past assertions that he won’t run for president in 2012, according to sources familiar with his thinking, a change of heart that has effectively frozen the race until the New Jersey governor makes up his mind.


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