Senh: Rick Perry's tax plan is the 20/20 plan, I guess. We'll wait for the number crunchers to see who this plan benefits - the haves or the have-nots. With the lower tax rate, will the federal government lose money with this plan? UPDATE: Looks like the reviews are in, and it's not pretty. It's panned by both parties.
Senh: So who has more influence - a billionaire or a governor?
Senh: Now that Mitt Romney's front-runner again, he's focusing his efforts on Barack Obama rather than his fellow Republicans.
Senh: As long as there's no loopholes for the rich and there's an exemption for the poor, I don't mind it. The rich do get a huge tax cut from this though, but they're probably getting it anyway from the current tax code with all of its exemptions and loopholes.
Senh: It seems like whenever one of the candidates are doing well at the polls, it's feasting time at the debates for the other candidates. Mitt Romney does seem like someone who would switch positions at the drop of a dime, especially in regards to health care and illegal immigration.
Senh: Check out the article. It has a listing of how much every candidate has raised. Barack Obama is way ahead.
Senh: Is it even fair when your opponents have a lot more money to spend on their campaigns? Have we ever tried either giving candidates to same amount of money to spend or limiting it? Whoever has the most money has a huge advantage.