North Korea, North-south Korea Relations | featured news

Third day of North Korea shelling

North Korea fires artillery shells near the disputed sea border with South Korea for a third successive day.


Two Koreas trade fire, spooks markets

Two Koreas trade fire, spooks markets

North and South Korea exchanged artillery fire near their disputed sea border on Wednesday, the second time in three months the rivals have clashed and briefly sending prices down on jittery Seoul financial markets.


Hackers steal SKorean-US military secrets

Hackers steal SKorean-US military secrets

South Korea's military said Friday it was investigating a hacking attack that netted secret defense plans with the United States and may have been carried out by North Korea....


Korean Navies Exchange Fire at Sea

Korean Navies Exchange Fire at Sea

A South Korean naval patrol boat inflicted damage on a North Korean military vessel in an exchange of gunfire, but there were no signs of escalatation.


North, South Korea hold rare talks amid nuclear tension

The two Koreas held rare talks lasting 50 minutes Thursday on the fate of a troubled industrial park, set up jointly as a symbol ...


North Korea warns of war ahead of Clinton visit

North Korea warns of war ahead of Clinton visit

North Korea said on Thursday it was ready for war with the South, just hours before U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was set to arrive in Seoul for talks on defusing the North's military threat.


South Korea to stand firm despite North's threats

South Korea to stand firm despite North's threats

South Korea's president said on Monday he has no intention of backing down to North Korea, which may be preparing to test-fire its longest-range missile and in recent weeks has threatened to reduce its neighbor to ashes.


N. Korea says two Koreas on path toward war

N. Korea says two Koreas on path toward war

North Korea warned that the downward spiral of relations with the South has pushed the peninsula to the brink of war, two days after it said it was scrapping all pacts with its rich capitalist neighbor.


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