North-south Korea Relations | featured news

U.S. and South Korea Devise Plan to Counter North

American officials said new “counterprovocation” plans called for an immediate but proportional “response in kind,” hitting the source of any attack by North Korea with similar weapons.


Pyongyang rumblings have little effect on SKoreans

Outsiders might hear the opening notes of a war in the deluge of threats and provocations from North Korea, but to South Koreans it is a familiar drumbeat. Separated from the North by a heavily fortified border for decades, they have for the most part lived with tough talk from Pyongyang all their lives. In annual defense drills, war alarms ring in their ears.


Under threat, S. Korea mulls nukes

North Korean Soldiers - Reuters

The barrage of threats from North Korea has sparked talk from within South Korea of the need to develop its own nuclear weapons. A recent poll shows that two-thirds of South Korean citizens surveyed support the idea, especially in the wake of North Korea's third nuclear test in February.


S. Korea, U.S. conduct drills as North threatens war

South Korean Marines - USA Today

North Korean state media said Monday that Pyongyang had carried through with a threat to cancel the 60-year-old armistice that ended the Korean War, as it and South Korea staged dueling war games amid threatening rhetoric that has risen to the highest level since North Korea rained artillery shells on a South Korean island in 2010.


S. Korea fails to block activists from dropping propaganda leaflets in North

South Korean police on Monday tried for hours to block a civic group from sending pro-democracy leaflets across the border by balloon after North Korea threatened the activists with a “merciless military strike,” but the South’s efforts ultimately failed.


North Korea threatens South over propaganda balloons

Impoverished North Korea threatened on Friday to open fire on South Korea if it allows activists to go ahead with plans to drop anti-North leaflets on its territory, its most strident warning against its long-time foe in months.


NKorean soldier defects to SKorea across border

A North Korean soldier killed two of his officers Saturday and defected to South Korea across the countries' heavily armed border in a rare crossing that prompted South Korean troops to immediately beef up their border patrol, officials said....


North Korea Is Ready to Discuss Aid From Seoul

North Korea said on Monday that it was ready to discuss humanitarian aid from the South to alleviate damage caused by flooding and typhoons.


Hunt for North Korea's 'hidden tunnels'

To become a tunnel-hunter in South Korea, you need a pump, a generator and a bit of imagination. Lee Chang-gun and his band of investigators have all three. They spend their free time searching for North Korean infiltration tunnels here in the mountains near their country's northern frontier.


South Korean 'joke' may lead to prison

Everyone's made a joke they thought was funny only to see it fall flat, but Park Jung-geun's attempt at humor could see him jailed for up to seven years in South Korea. Park, a photographer by profession, re-tweeted some messages from North Korea's official twitter feed, such as reports on the late leader Kim Jong Il's travels across the country and negative tweets about South Korea.

Senh: Seven years in jail for a retweet? Damn.


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