Governors, Republican | featured news

Gov. Rick Scott’s anti-science purge begins: State employee banned for uttering ‘climate change’

Gov. Rick Scott’s anti-science purge begins: State employee banned for uttering ‘climate change’

A Florida state employee has been reprimanded and told not to come to work after Gov. Rick Scott’s (R) administration banned the use of the terms “climate change” and “global warming.” Earlier this month, reports said that officials in the Scott administration ordered Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) administrators not to use the terms in documents or meetings because they asserted that the climate science behind global warming was not a “true fact.”

Senh: Talk about being a narrow-minded administration. If Rick Scott doesn't believe that "global warming" or "climate change" exist, fine, but at least allow people to discuss it. I wonder when global warming became a politicized topic: was it after Al Gore, a Democrat, made "An Inconvenient Truth?"


FiveThirtyEight: Christie’s Honeymoon With Conservatives Is Over

Chris Christie

...Mr. Christie’s failure to be invited is not a mere oversight; virtually every other prominent Republican who might be a plausible nominee in 2016 has been asked to participate.


New Jersey Governor Christie snubbed by conservative conference

Chris Christie

The most popular Republican governor in the United States has not been invited to the country's most important gathering for conservative activists, a source familiar with the situation said on Tuesday.


Michigan GOP governor proposes Medicaid expansion

Rick Snyder

Mich. governor Rick Snyder, opposing his own party, welcomes an "Obamacare" option... A day before he delivers his budget message to the state Legislature, Gov. Rick Snyder said Wednesday he will support an expansion of Medicaid in Michigan.


GOP governors walk balance beam on health law

Republican governors who long opposed President Barack Obama's remake of the health insurance market are struggling to square their opposition with the new law's requirements as it starts to take effect.


NJ Gov. Christie: My weight no bar to presidency

Chris Christie

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie says he is "more than a little" overweight - but fit enough to be in the White House. The Republican governor was asked about his weight problem during an interview with Barbara Walters for her "10 Most Fascinating People" special Wednesday night on ABC.


"Fiscal cliff" struggle prompts Republican infighting

Fiscal Cliff

Republicans in the Congress attacked each other on Tuesday over their leadership's "fiscal cliff" offer to Democratic President Barack Obama as a group of governors visited the White House to voice concern about the impact on the states of the year-end tax-and-spending deadline.


AP sources: Christie files to seek re-election

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie has filed papers to seek re-election next year, while enjoying a popularity surge due to his hands-on response to Superstorm Sandy, the worst natural disaster in state history....


Jindal: 7 ways GOP can win next time

In the aftermath of the presidential election, Republicans have been inundated with advice to moderate, equivocate, and even abandon their core principles as a necessary prerequisite for winning future elections.


Analysis: Not too early to talk about 2016

Get ready: The 2016 campaign for the White House is getting under way. Among those attending next week's Republican Governors Association meeting in Las Vegas are the group's chairman, Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell, as well as popular Republicans such as New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal.


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