Senh: Apple's gotta point the finger at someone, and it looks like this guy's the scapegoat. And yet, they still wouldn't admit that there's a hardware problem.
Senh: Steve Jobs once again proved everyone wrong with the iPad's success. The initial reviews were mixed at best, but now, it's obvious that it's a huge hit and is changing the course of personal computing. Every cellphone maker is making a tablet computer. Now, it's the BlackBerry's turn.
Senh: I like Steve Jobs, but I'm not sure if this is gonna do it. Will these bumper cases help with the reception problems? It's turning into a he-said/she-said type of thing. Jobs is not denying that there's a reception problem, but he says that all smartphones have that problem. I don't think this is the response that people are looking for. Meanwhile, the Droid X is sold out.