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Apple is world's most valuable brand

Apple is world's most valuable brand

Apple has overtaken Google to become the world's most valuable brand with an estimated brand value of more than $153bn, according to new rankings published on Monday.


Google's New Search Results Pages: Is The Simplified Look Elegant Or Ugly?

Google is apparently testing cleaner-looking results pages. Overall, the new design looks less cluttered. Rows of text are spaced farther apart and text colors are more muted than previous versions.Compared to the darker, tighter text of the old results pages, the change is pretty stark and will take some getting used to, if Google decides to roll out these changes to all users.


IE9 can't stop Microsoft's browser slump

IE9 can't stop Microsoft's browser slump

The March launches of Internet Explorer 9 (IE9) and Firefox 4 failed to stop Microsoft's and Mozilla's decline in browser share, new Web usage data shows.


YouTube to Broaden Film-Rental Service

YouTube to Broaden Film-Rental Service

Google's YouTube is expanding its movie-rental service, as the video site tries to shift from homemade videos to professional entertainment content. Says Google Penalty Ends said it has been released from Google's "penalty box," which pushed it down in search results as a punishment for the retailer's efforts to game the search system.


Apple, Google, and Location: Is It All About Advertising?

Politicians and privacy experts demanded answers of Google and Apple Friday following the discovery that smartphone software from the tech giants regularly transmits information about a user's whereabouts back to the companies.


Google faces more antitrust complaints

The search-engine giant is facing complaints in South Korea as mobile phones using its Android software gain dominance.


Cost surge under new Google CEO unnerves Street

Google Inc's stunning 54 percent spending surge in the first quarter spooked investors already worried its new CEO may take his eye off the bottom line to chase revenue growth.


Apple To Dominate Tablet Market Through 2015, Google Takes Smartphones

Apple will remain firmly in control of the tablet market through 2015, according to market research by Gartner, which also shows Google’s Android will take the baton from Nokia’s Symbian to dominate the smartphone market through the same time period. Experts agree, though, that it will be strong ecosystems, allowing for tablets and smartphones to deliver a combined experience, which will take the day, possibly weakening Research in Motion’s capacity to deliver in a new environment.


Was It Google That Killed MySpace? : Tech News and Analysis «

Most Internet analysts suggest that MySpace fell from grace because it crumbled in the face of stiff competition from Facebook. But a Reuters report suggests that it may have been Google that dealt the fatal blow by accident as long ago as 2006.


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