Google, Technology | featured news

Google's New Quick Flight Search Makes Your Life Easier

Google's New Quick Flight Search Makes Your Life Easier

Google just made it a lot easier to quickly look up flight information. Now you can type “flights from [a city] to [another city] in the Google search window, and it’ll quickly display a summary of flight information right there on the results page.


Google launches trial of tap-to-pay phone system

Google launches trial of tap-to-pay phone system

Google Inc. launched its bid to dominate a world where the smartphone has replaced the wallet as the container for credit cards, coupons and receipts.


Google invests $55 million in Mojave Desert wind farm

Google invests $55 million in Mojave Desert wind farm

The Internet search giant's efforts could help California regain its status as the world's wind power capital, industry experts say. Google Inc. is investing $55 million in a large Mojave Desert wind farm, pumping fresh air into California's struggling wind power industry.


After Amazon And Google, Masterobjects Sues Microsoft Over Instant Search Patent

We recently broke the story of a small search software outlet named Masterobjects taking on in a notable patent infringement lawsuit, later also taking Google to court. Now it's apparently Microsoft's turn to get sued by the company, and my guess is more will follow.


Android security fix said to be on way

Google on Wednesday began fixing a security flaw that affects some 97% of Android smartphones.


Google to Sell Its First Bond

Google is planning to sell its first-ever bond offering, seizing on near-record-low rates and insatiable appetite for corporate debt.


Google Launches 'Chromebook' PCs

Google Launches 'Chromebook' PCs

Macintosh, Windows, or Google? Search engine giant Google finally unveiled the first "Chromebook" notebooks at the Google I/O conference on Wednesday, laptop computers from manufacturing giants Samsung and Acer that use Google's Chrome operating system and will go on sale in June.


Android Poised to Invade the Home

Android Open Accessory creates platform APIs for standard devices, such as phones and lightbulbs. With this, Android joins the ever-growing list of protocols (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Insteon, X10) competing for attention in the connected home.

Senh: Lots of great stats for Android here - 400,000 android devices activated per day; 200,000 apps; and 310 devices. Very impressive numbers.


Google Lobbies Nevada To Allow Driverless Cars

Google Lobbies Nevada To Allow Driverless Cars

Google hired a lobbyist to promote legislation for the licensing of autonomous vehicles, and an exemption that would permit texting while driving to operate such a car.


Google Music Beta Leaks Online

It has been rumored that Google will announce a cloud music offering at the Google I/O conference on Tuesday. It seems that the live beta of Google Music has already leaked online.You can visit Google's Music Beta page and sign in using your Gmail or Google profile credentials. There's not much you can do yet, but you can request an invitation for when the service is up and running.


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