Microsoft, Software | featured news

Windows Phone Passes 80,000 Mobile Applications

As AT&T gets ready to launch a new wave of Windows Phones to the pubic, independent analysis of Microsoft's app store reveals more than 80,000 applications have been submitted.


Microsoft Says Decaffeinated Bing Tastes as Good as Google

Harry Shum

In 2010, Google gave its search engine a jolt, moving the web’s de facto gateway onto a new software platform dubbed “Caffeine.” Designed by Google itself, Caffeine was a way for the company to more rapidly add new links to its massive index of websites, including news stories and blog posts and chatter from web forums. According to the company, it provided “50 percent fresher” search results than its previous indexing system, which was based on a seminal Google creation called MapReduce.


10 ways Windows 8 beats the iPad

Windows 8

Windows 8 is now available for anyone to download, and it already shows a ton of potential. Here are the top 10 ways Windows 8 is better than the iPad right now.


Microsoft: 1 million Windows 8 Consumer Preview downloads in day one

Windows 8 Consumer Preview was downloaded a million times in its first day of availability.


Microsoft unveils Windows 8

Microsoft unveiled Windows 8 for public testing on Wednesday in the hope that it will help the brand win back some of the ground it has been losing to Apple and Google.


Microsoft confirms Windows 8's minimalist new logo

Microsoft has unveiled its Windows 8 logo, and explained its design in detail on Friday. The company wanted to incorporate parts of its new Metro design principles while retaining some classic aspects.


Judge dismisses $1B lawsuit against Microsoft

Novell Inc. sued the software giant in 2004, claiming Microsoft duped it into developing the once-popular WordPerfect writing program for Windows 95 only to pull the plug so Microsoft could gain market share with its own product. Novell says it was later forced to sell WordPerfect for a $1.2 billion loss.


Microsoft Updating Xbox Interface; Adding Voice Search

XBox 360: Netflix

Microsoft is launching a new interface for the Xbox 360 game console, borrowing the tile-based “Metro” look that started on the Zune music players, moved to the Windows Phone software and will spread to PCs next year with the arrival of Windows 8. The new version of the software will be downloaded to all users starting December 6.


Gates testifies in $1B lawsuit against Microsoft

Gates testifies in $1B lawsuit against Microsoft

Microsoft's Windows 95 rollout presented the most challenges in the company's history, leading to several last-minute changes to technical features that would no longer support a rival software maker's word processor, Bill Gates testified Monday in a $1 billion antitrust lawsuit filed by the creator of WordPerfect.

Senh: Bill Gates looks really happen to testify from his look in the photo.


Windows Phone Marketplace passes the 40,000 app milestone

Windows Phone Marketplace passes the 40,000 app milestone

The Windows Phone Marketplace continues to grow at a steady rate. In little over a year, the Marketplace now has over 40,000 published apps according to an estimate from All About Windows Phone. This number is not the total available to consumers, but the total number that has been submitted to the online store. An estimated 5,500 apps are no longer available to consumers because they were removed by Microsoft or the developer.


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