Barack Obama, Economy | featured news

Obama Unveils Tax Deduction Proposal

Obama Unveils Tax Deduction Proposal

President Obama unveiled a new proposal that he says will create jobs and grow the economy... The proposal also companies to take immediate tax deductions for the full cost of new equipment. Those deductions hope to spur $50 billion in new investments through next year.


South Korea: North Korea opens fire at border

South Korea: North Korea opens fire at border

North Korea fired two rounds toward South Korea at their tense border Friday and South Korean troops immediately fired back, highlighting the security problems faced by Seoul as it prepares to host Barack Obama and other world leaders at the Group of 20 economic summit next month.


Obama courts women voters on West Coast tour

Obama courts women voters on West Coast tour

President Barack Obama will aim his economic message at women voters as he campaigns on the West Coast for two female candidates crucial to Democrats' chances of keeping their fragile majority in the U.S. Senate.


Dems hurt by voters' denial of reality

Dems hurt by voters' denial of reality

The simple truth is that Obama and the Democratic Congress were dealt a lousy economic hand, and they've played it about as well as anyone could. Along with their predecessors and the holdovers at the Federal Reserve, they prevented a collapse of the global financial system and a 1930s-like depression. But given the magnitude of the financial crisis and the global imbalances that gave rise to it, a prolonged period of slow growth and high unemployment was almost inevitable.


Obama's $50 Billion Spending Plan to Boost Economy, Report Says

President Barack Obama's proposed $50 billion transportation spending program would boost jobs in the construction, manufacturing and retail industries and help bolster a struggling economy ...


GOP takeover of Congress would mean 'hand-to-hand combat,' Obama warns

GOP takeover of Congress would mean 'hand-to-hand combat,' Obama warns

A Republican majority would threaten policies to stabilize the economy, the president says during a radio interview, part of an effort to rally key Democratic constituencies. A Republican majority in Congress would mean "hand-to-hand combat" on Capitol Hill for the next two years, threatening policies Democrats have enacted to stabilize the economy, President Obama warned Thursday.


Republican economic proposals "disastrous": Obama

Republican economic proposals

President Barack Obama hammered Republicans on Saturday over their newly unveiled campaign agenda, calling the opposition party's economic ideas "an echo of a disastrous decade we can't afford to relive."


Obama answers skeptics after recession is declared officially over

On the day that the Great Recession was officially declared to be part of history, President Obama confronted deepening angst from business leaders and ordinary Americans who have little faith that the recovery is for real.


Live-Blogging Obama's News Conference

Live-Blogging Obama's News Conference

President Obama held his first full-scale White House news conference in three months and the first of the fall campaign season. He announced his promotion of the White House economist, Austan D. Goolsbee, to succeed Christina Romer as chairman of the president’s Council of Economic Advisers, and also addressed other issues of the day, including the Middle East peace talks and the debate over extending the Bush tax cuts.


Obama taps Goolsbee as top White House economist

President Barack Obama has chosen Austan Goolsbee to succeed Christina Romer as chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers, U.S. administration officials said on Thursday.


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