Terminator Salvation, Anton Yelchin | featured news

WonderCon Premieres Star Trek & Terminator Trailers

Two of the more anticipated panels at this year's WonderCon were the ones for J.J. Abrams' upcoming Star Trek and McG's continuation of the "Terminator" saga with Terminator Salvation . The two movies have a lot more in common than the fact they're the return of popular and long-absent franchises opening in May that both happen to co-star soon-to-be 20-year-old actor Anton Yelchin in key roles. Both movies decided to take advantage of the Wonder-Con crowds to world premiere their new trailers, which will precede Zack Snyder's Watchmen next Friday.


Anton Yelchin Says No on GREEN LANTERN Rumors

Anton Yelchin Says No on GREEN LANTERN Rumors

IESB is at WonderCon and spoke with cast members from TERMINATOR SALVATION today, including Anton Yelchin who was recently rumored to be in talks to play Hal Jordan in the new WB GREEN LANTERN live action film.


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