BLOUNTVILLE — In response to questions about funding the road to Sullivan County’s new high school, Board of Education Chairman Michael Hughes on Tuesday night said the $140 million bond funding for capital school projects should have provided an extra $18 million the county system did not receive. He also said the county should not count on nearly $2 million in annual funding from a school bond that will be paid off next year. In addition, Hughes said he doesn’t see how or why the school system should pay any of a $3 million road project to serve West Ridge High School off Exit 63 of Interstate 81, and he said a proposal for a project manager hired jointly by Director of Schools Evelyn Rafalowski and County Mayor Richard Venable would be illegal based on a Rutherford County lawsuit ruling and ill advised to boot. BOND PAYMENTS QUESTION In a presentation to the school board at its regular meeting Tuesday, Hughes laid out a series of calculations he’s worked on over the past five months that he said show serious errors in how the bond issue was distributed, as well as plans to repay it.