This morning YouTube star Randy Rainbow unveiled his latest parody video, “Welcome to DeSantis." “Who needs cultural advancement, diversity, compassion, or Trixie Mattel?” Rainbow said to Pudding Fingers in a fake interview. “This country is in a slow-burning UberX headed right back to the dark ages, and baby, you’re just the heartless, autocratic wannabe to drive us there!” Rainbow then parodies the song “Welcome to the 60’s” from the 2002 musical Hairspray: Welcome to the bigoted old-timey days/ Where we ban all the books, and we hate all the gays Hide your wife and children when DeSantis runs/ ‘Cause our lives are secondary to their god–n-guns! Put an end to those pesky old human rights/Cause we know that he’ll fight for our nation/ ‘Til at last it’s safe for wealthy Christian whites — ugh, finally! RELATED: From 2022, Randy Rainbow doesn't sugarcoat his reaction to Florida's "Don't Say Gay" law. read more