Click here to view this media Conservative rocker Ted Nugent on Monday insisted that he had just been using a metaphor when he called President Barack Obama "the Chicago gangster" and then asked a NRA television host to "help me shoot somebody." In an interview on NRA News, host Cam Edwards explained that the president's proposed universal background check legislation might as well be called "the Ban Ted Nugent Act of 2013." "Do you realize, Ted, that under the language right now, any time somebody went to your ranch and you loaned them a gun to do some hunting or to do some plinking that would be a five-year felony?" Edwards told Nugent. The Motor City Madman reminded Edwards that it was only a year ago that he had promised to be "dead or in jail" by the Spring of 2013 if Obama was re-elected. "And I know it caught a lot of my friends off guard, when I said if this America-hater, if this freedom-hater, if this enemy of America becomes the president again I'll either be dead or in jail," Nugent recalled.