World Trade Organization | featured news

U.S. warns WTO global trade talks "hurtling towards irrelevance"

The United States launched a blistering attack on fellow World Trade Organization member states on Thursday for failing to do more to cut global barriers to trade, criticizing India in particular for trying to introduce a "massive new loophole".


Indonesia readies for $1 trillion trade talks

Indonesia may hold the key to a $1 trillion injection into the global economy. That's how much the World Trade Organization believes is riding on talks later this year in Bali, when trade ministers hope to cut through some of the red tape that slows global commerce.


China Files WTO Complaint on EU Solar Subsidies

China filed a complaint to the WTO charging the EU with violating rules governing subsidies to its solar components industry.


Russia joins WTO after 18 years of talks

After 18 years of negotiation, Russia on Wednesday entered the World Trade Organization, which restricts import duties and subsidies in an attempt to create a level playing field for international trade.


Obama, Romney both bashing China

It sounds like President Obama and Mitt Romney are now competing to see who can be tougher on China. While Romney has vowed to brand China a currency manipulator on "day one" of his presidency, Obama this week played up a new complaint against China with the World Trade Organization during his tour of Ohio.


U.S. files complaint against China auto duties: WTO

The United States has filed a trade complaint against China for imposing duties on U.S.-made autos, the World Trade Organization (WTO) said on Thursday.


WTO backs U.S. in case against China duties on steel

A World Trade Organisation panel on Friday ruled in favor of the United States in a case against import duties imposed by China on a specialty steel product used in power transformers.


Russia Inching Closer To WTO Membership

Russia is inching closer to the globalization trade club. Its membership in the World Trade Organization could be locked if it succeeds in convincing its neighboring country, Georgia, to forgive the Kremlin for the Ossetia War in 2008. So far, Georgia is the only thing standing between Russia and the World Trade Organization.

Senh: D'oh. That's why you gotta be nice to your neighbors. You never know when you'll need them. I wonder if Georgia will retaliate by not giving Russia the vote.


U.S. hails victory in raw materials case versus China

The Trade Representative's office on Tuesday welcomed what it called a "significant victory" in a World Trade Organization dispute over Chinese export restrictions on raw materials used for a variety of industrial products.


China unfairly restricting American CDs, DVDs, WTO rules

The World Trade Organization's top arbitrators upheld a ruling that China is illegally restricting imports of U.S. music, films and books, and Washington pushed forward with a new case accusing China of manipulating the prices for key ingredients in steel and aluminum production.


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