Space | featured news

Private company launches test spacecraft for NASA

Private company launches test spacecraft for NASA

A private company launched a spacecraft into orbit Wednesday in a bold demonstration test for NASA that could lead to the first commercial space station supply run next year and eventual astronaut rides.


Japan probe reaches Venus, prepares to enter orbit

A Japanese probe reached Venus on Tuesday and prepared to enter orbit on a two-year mission that would mark a major milestone for Japan's space program and could shed light on the climate of Earth's mysterious neighbor....


'Super-Earth' atmosphere measured

The atmosphere of a relatively nearby extrasolar planet - just three times bigger than Earth - has been measured in a pioneering experiment.


Paper plane launched into space

Paper plane launched into space

A camera on the plane's wing captured dramatic images as it flew back down through the earth's atmosphere.


Huge Bubbles of Energy Found at Center of Galaxy

Scientists discovered two bubbles of energy erupting from the center of the Milky Way galaxy.


Collision of Two Asteroids Spotted For the First Time

Collision of Two Asteroids Spotted For the First Time

Jupiter and Mars aren't the only recent impact victims in our solar system. In two talks today at the Division for Planetary Sciences in Pasadena, California, astronomers report that a small asteroid located in the inner asteroid belt between those two planets took a major hit early last year.


Goldilocks planet Gliese 581g reaction round-up

Goldilocks planet Gliese 581g reaction round-up

Discovery of a "Goldilocks" planet smack in the middle of the "habitable zone" of the nearby star, Gliese 581 is the news of the day. This is certainly newsworthy result. Finding a rocky, Earthlike, planet in the habitable zone is a major milestone.


Boeing: Let us fly you into space

Boeing: Let us fly you into space

Hang onto your luggage, Boeing wants to fly you into space -- at least into low-Earth orbit. The aerospace company and a Virginia company have reached a preliminary agreement to sell seats on Boeing commercial crew spacecraft to individuals, companies, nongovernmental organizations, and U.S. federal agencies, Boeing said in a news release.


Asteroid buzzes Earth; another coming

Asteroid buzzes Earth; another coming

A small asteroid passed within the moon's distance from the Earth on Wednesday morning, and another will do likewise later in the day, space watchers say.

Senh: Time to give Michael Bay and Bruce Willis a call. Maybe BP can send their elite group of oil drillers to stop the next asteroid from hitting Earth.


Possible life on Mars reexamined

Thirty-four years after NASA's Viking missions to Mars sent back results interpreted to mean there was no organic material - and consequently no life - on the planet, new research has concluded that organic material was found after all.


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