Shirley Sherrod | featured news

Conservative publisher Breitbart dies in LA at 43

Andrew Breitbart

Conservative media publisher and activist Andrew Breitbart, who was behind investigations that led to the resignations of former Rep. Anthony Weiner of New York and former U.S. Agriculture Department official Shirley Sherrod, has died in Los Angeles. He was 43....


Sherrod rejects return to agency

Sherrod rejects return to agency

Ousted Agriculture Department official Shirley Sherrod said Tuesday that she will not return to the department in the new role. "I need to take a break from some of all I've had to deal with in the last few weeks," Sherrod said at a hastily arranged news conference at USDA headquarters. She said she hopes to maintain "some kind of relationship" with the department.


Shirley Sherrod to meet with agriculture secretary

Shirley Sherrod to meet with agriculture secretary

Former U.S. Department of Agriculture official Shirley Sherrod says she is meeting with Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack on Tuesday to discuss ...


Breitbart Gets The RNC BOOT!

Breitbart Gets The RNC BOOT!

The RNC is losing faith in blogger, Andrew Breitbart, of video editing fame (see: ACORN, NAACP). The RNC has cancelled a fundraiser with Breitbart, who falsely presented another heavily edited video, this time attempting to tag Shirley Sherrod of the NAACP as a racist.


Ousted USDA employee Sherrod plans to sue blogger

Ousted USDA employee Sherrod plans to sue blogger

Ousted Agriculture Department employee Shirley Sherrod said Thursday she will sue a conservative blogger who posted an edited video of her making racially tinged remarks last week. Sherrod was forced to resign last week as director of rural development in Georgia after Andrew Breitbart posted the edited video online. In the full video, Sherrod, who is black, spoke to a local NAACP group about racial reconciliation and overcoming her initial reluctance to help a white farmer.

Senh: Yeah, people who are responsible for putting up that video should be held accountable, especially since it seems like it was done intentionally. Andrew Breitbart kinda runs the Drudge Report (he picks the stories), so it'll be interesting to see what happens with the site.


Obama: A 'bogus controversy'

The president makes his most extensive comments about the firing of USDA official Shirley Sherrod.


Obama says USDA "jumped the gun" on Sherrod ouster

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack rushed to judgment when he dismissed a former government official over racism allegations, U.S. President Barack Obama said in an interview on Thursday.


Sherrod Not Inclined to Return to Job

Shirley Sherrod, the Agriculture Department official, also says she believes she deserves a telephone call from President Obama.

Senh: Thanks to the power of the internet, we have people jumping to conclusions without spending the proper amount of time to fully and thoroughly investigate a case before making decisions. Sherrod's boss should be reprimanded for making such a haste decision. I don't think Sherrod should ask to speak to the President though. Let this thing end quickly. Barack Obama already has enough on his mind. He doesn't need anymore distractions.


White House apologizes to fired USDA worker

White House apologizes to fired USDA worker

Shirley Sherrod was terminated after a conservative website showed edited video of her at an NAACP event apparently saying she would refuse to help a white farmer.


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