Senator | featured news

It's official: By 193 votes, Sen. Bill Brady is Republican nominee for governor

State Sen. Bill Brady (R-Bloomington) is the Republican nominee for governor. Brady ended up topping state Sen. Kirk Dillard (R-Hinsdale) by 193 votes, according to final, official results of the Feb. 2 primary certified this morning by the Illinois Board of Elections.


Dems scramble to replace Bayh

Dems scramble to replace Bayh

National Democrats -- stunned by Sen. Evan Bayh's (D) announcement Monday that he would not seek reelection -- have begun to mull their options to replace the popular two-term incumbent.


White House Blasts Shelby Hold on Nominees

White House Blasts Shelby Hold on Nominees

The White House fired back this morning at a move by Senator Richard Shelby, Republican of Alabama, who placed a “blanket hold” on dozens of President Obama’s nominees awaiting confirmation before the Senate.


Talks With G.O.P. on Financial Bill at ‘Impasse,’ Dodd Says

Talks With G.O.P. on Financial Bill at ‘Impasse,’ Dodd Says

Sen. Christopher J. Dodd indicated that Democrats would forge ahead with their own bill, following months of talks that had been aimed at reaching a bipartisan consensus.


Holdout Nelson agrees to back healthcare bill

Holdout Nelson agrees to back healthcare bill

With a critical vote looming this weekend, Senate Democrats finalized a deal this morning with the lone Democratic holdout, Nebraska Sen. Ben Nelson, who will back the party's healthcare bill after settling weeks of negotiating over abortion.


Senator Reports Progress in Talks on Health Bill

Senator Ben Nelson said that he and Democratic leaders had made “real progress” in negotiations on abortion, but there was no final agreement.


Shelby Opposes 2nd Bernanke Term

Sen. Shelby said he will vote against the confirmation of Fed Chairman Bernanke for a second term, as a Senate panel convened his confirmation hearing.


Centrist Senators Say They Oppose Health Care Bill

Two centrist senators, Ben Nelson and Joseph I. Lieberman, said that they were opposed the bill as it is currently written, particularly its inclusion of a new government-run insurance program.


Ethics panel clears Sen. Burris of wrongdoing

Ethics panel clears Sen. Burris of wrongdoing

The Senate Select Committee on Ethics has closed its inquiry into Roland Burris, clearing the Illinois lawmaker of any legal wrongdoing.


U.S. "would veto" Palestinian state move: Senators


The United States would veto a Palestinian declaration of statehood in the United Nations Security Council, U.S. senators visiting Israel said Monday.


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