Rob Portman | featured news

Portman among 47 GOP senators to sign letter to Iran

WASHINGTON — In a move Democrats denounced as trying to sabotage the Obama administration’s foreign policy, Sen. Rob Portman and 46 other Senate Republicans yesterday warned Iran’s leadership that any agreement to limit Tehran’s apparent efforts to build a nuclear bomb would need Senate approval to stay in effect beyond 2016.

Senh: This is reprehensible behavior from the Republican party. Like Hillary Clinton said in her press conference, there are only two reasons why they would do this: 1) To aid Iran's efforts to obtain nuclear weapons, and 2) To sabotage Obama's negotiation with Iran.


GOP Sen. Portman of Ohio now supports gay marriage

Rob Portman

Republican U.S. Sen. Rob Portman is now supporting gay marriage and says his reversal on the issue began when he learned one of his sons is gay. Ohio's junior senator disclosed his change of heart in interviews with several Ohio newspapers and CNN. In an op-ed published Friday in The Columbus Dispatch, he said the decision came after a lot of thought.


Portman, Rubio get support to be Romney's VP

Rob Portman

The veepstakes are heating up again, as top Republicans weigh in on their personal favorites to be Mitt Romney's running mate. House Speaker John Boehner voiced his approval for Ohio Sen. Rob Portman, his home-state colleague, during an interview last night with Fox News.


Leaks, lies, auditions are all part of veepstakes

Leaks are springing. Trial balloons are floating. Egos are being stroked. Wanna-bes are auditioning. And, chances are, lies are being told... Why did Sen. Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire walk in a July Fourth parade with Romney? Why did Gov. Bobby Jindal of Louisiana and former Gov. Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota turn up in Ohio and Pennsylvania during President Barack Obama's Midwest bus trip? Why did Sen. Rob Portman of Ohio write a Cleveland newspaper column criticizing the president's policies just as Obama headed for the state?


How much do the veepstakes matter? (Monday’s Trail Mix)

Former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney (R) has yet to clinch the Republican presidential nomination, but that hasn’t stopped the vice-presidential speculation from already kicking into overdrive. Will it be Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.)? Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio)? House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-Wis.)?


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