Same-sex Marriage | featured news

Biden: I’m ‘absolutely comfortable’ with gay couples having same rights as straight couples

Joe Biden

Vice President Biden on Sunday appeared to go further than he has in the past in expressing support for same-sex marriage. In an interview on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Biden described himself as “absolutely comfortable” with gay couples having the same rights as straight couples.


As governor, Romney faced challenge on gay marriage

When Massachusetts' highest court ruled in favor of same-sex marriage, the Republican's response alienated constituencies on both sides. Critics say he took it as an opportunity to pivot right, hoping to raise his national profile with conservatives.


Pope denounces 'powerful' gay marriage lobby in U.S.

Pope Benedict XVI waded deep into U.S. campaign politics Friday, denouncing what he called the "powerful" gay marriage lobby in America.


NJ Gov. Christie Vetoes Gay Marriage Bill as Vowed

Same-Sex Marriage

Gov. Chris Christie has followed through on his promise to reject a bill allowing same-sex marriage in New Jersey by quickly vetoing the measure Friday and renewing his call for a ballot question to decide the issue.


Prop 8 Overturned: What Does It Mean for California?

Gay Marriage

A federal court rules that California's ban on same-sex marriage is unconstitutional, potentially clearing the way for the case to be heard by the Supreme Court.


Gay marriage: Appeals court to decide fate of Prop. 8 on Tuesday

A federal appeals court is expected to rule Tuesday on the constitutionality of Proposition 8, the 2008 ballot measure that banned gay marriage in California.


Congressman Frank to wed same-sex partner in Massachusetts

Barney Frank

Barney Frank, a gay 16-term congressman from Massachusetts, plans to marry his partner, his office said on Thursday.


Gay marriage seen a step closer in Washington state

A bill to legalize gay marriage in Washington state now has enough votes to pass, a state senator who sponsored the legislation said on Monday, which would put it a major step closer to becoming the seventh state to fully recognize same-sex unions.


Rick Santorum jeered after comparing gay marriage to polygamy

Rick Santorum

Those skeptical of whether Rick Santorum has what it takes to win a general-election contest this fall have focused on, among other things, his drumbeating on social issues in a year when Republican strategists believe hitting President Obama on the economy is the way to win the White House.


U.S. appeals court seems unlikely to dismiss ruling against Prop. 8

Prop 8

A three-judge panel appears unswayed by Prop. 8 backers' argument that the judge who issued the original ruling was in an undisclosed same-sex relationship.


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