Republican | featured news

Tea Party group chief quits, cites internal split

Dick Armey

Eased out with an $8 million payout provided by an influential Republican fundraiser, former GOP House Majority Leader Dick Armey says he has left the conservative tea party group FreedomWorks because of an internal split over the group's future direction.


Former President George H.W. Bush hospitalized

George H.W. Bush

Former President George H.W. Bush has been hospitalized in Houston with bronchitis.
Bush, 88, has been suffering from a severe cough, and he’s been in and out of the hospital for the last couple of weeks. He was admitted out of "an abundance of caution" due to his age, a source close to the family told NBC News.


AP sources: Christie files to seek re-election

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie has filed papers to seek re-election next year, while enjoying a popularity surge due to his hands-on response to Superstorm Sandy, the worst natural disaster in state history....


Tea Party Seeks to Regroup

Saxby Chambliss

The tea-party movement is trying to regroup after taking some licks in this month's elections. Several groups already are setting their sights on 2014 congressional races, in which they plan to promote their preferred candidates and hope to weed out Republicans they consider insufficiently conservative.


Iowa straw poll on the outs with GOP establishment

In the days since Republicans lost an election many in the party thought was theirs, chatter has been bubbling about what the GOP should do to recover. For Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad, it starts with the smallest of actions: abandoning the state's now-infamous straw poll.


Dan Senor, Mitt Romney Adviser, Blasts Republicans For Deserting Candidate After Loss

Mitt Romney

Dan Senor, a top adviser to former GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney, on Wednesday accused Republicans within the former presidential candidate's inner circle of being fair weather fans, all too eager to throw Romney under the bus only days after his defeat.


RNC report suggests other reasons why Romney lost

While Mitt Romney has attributed his defeat, in part, to "gifts" President Obama was able to shower on key constituencies, a Republican National Committee report on the election points to other reasons.


GOP-led states start warming up to health care law

Rick Scott

From the South to the heartland, the once-solid wall of Republican resistance to President Barack Obama's health care law is cracking.


Jindal: 7 ways GOP can win next time

In the aftermath of the presidential election, Republicans have been inundated with advice to moderate, equivocate, and even abandon their core principles as a necessary prerequisite for winning future elections.


Poll: If government careens off fiscal cliff, GOP to shoulder blame

Fifty-three percent of Americans said Republicans in Congress would be more to blame if the government could not reach an agreement to avoid the combination of spending cuts and tax hikes set to take effect at the beginning of the year.


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