Radiation | featured news

Japan Calls on US High-Tech Venture Kurion for Nuclear cleanup

Underscoring the virtue of focusing on US innovation, science, technology and entrepreneurship: in a stunning series of recent events, I have had a front-row seat to, US venture-backed company , Kurion, based in Irvine, CA with a team led by CEO and 30 year nuclear industry veteran John Raymont was revealed this week to have been selected by Japan to rapidly bring its technologies of isotope separation and modular vitrification to help treat, extract, contain and environmentally isolate radioactive materials.


Japan makes no-go nuclear zone

Japan makes no-go nuclear zone

Japan said Thursday it would ban anyone entering the 20-km (12-mile) evacuation zone around the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant north of Tokyo, weeks after the tsunami-wrecked facility began leaking radiation.


Robot in Japanese Reactors Detects High Radiation

Readings Monday from a robot that entered two crippled buildings at Japan's tsunami-flooded nuclear plant for the first time in more than a month displayed a harsh environment still too radioactive for workers to enter.


End to Japan nuke crisis is years, a fortune away

Once Japan's leaky nuclear complex stops spewing radiation and its reactors cool down, making the site safe and removing the ruined equipment is going to be a messy ordeal that could take decade...


Japanese nuclear plant continues its radioactive spill into ocean

For a second day, workers at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant were unable to plug a leak of radioactive water.


More sites detect Japan radiation

More locations around Scotland have recorded very low levels of radioactive iodine believed to be from Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan.


No threat from Japanese radiation spread across US

Traces of radioactive material from the endangered Japanese nuclear plant are being detected from coast to coast in the United States and in Iceland, but amounts continue to be far below levels that would cause health problems....


Radiation in seawater may be spreading in Japan

Radiation in seawater may be spreading in Japan

Workers at Japan's damaged nuclear plant raced to pump out contaminated water suspected of sending radioactivity levels soaring as officials ...


Large spike in radiation detected at Japan nuke plant

Large spike in radiation detected at Japan nuke plant

Radiation levels tested in a building at the damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant are 10 million times above normal, a power company official said.


Japan nuclear crisis: Tokyo tap water not safe for infants

Japan nuclear crisis: Tokyo tap water not safe for infants

Parents in Tokyo have been told that the city's tap water is not safe for babies to drink after radiation from Japan's earthquake-hit nuclear plant affected the capital's water supply.


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