Protest | featured news

Occupy Wall Street celebrates 6 months since start

Occupy Wall Street Six Month Anniversary

Chanting and cheering down Wall Street on Saturday to mark six months since the birth of the Occupy movement, some protesters applauded the Goldman Sachs employee who days ago gave the firm a public drubbing, echoing the movement's indictment of a financial system demonstrators say is fueled by reckless greed....


Clooney arrested at Sudan protest

George Clooney

George Clooney and his father, Nick Clooney, were arrested Friday during a protest outside the Sudanese Embassy in Washington. Clooney, his father and others were arrested after being warned three times not to cross a police line outside the embassy. Those taken into custody included NAACP President Ben Jealous, Martin Luther King III, and actor and comedian Dick Gregory.


Protests in Russia against Putin appear to lose some steam

Protests in Russia against Vladimir Putin's election win were continuing Saturday but the size of the crowd appeared to be smaller.


Self-immolations in Tibet show no sign of slowing


More than two dozen Tibetans protesting Chinese repression have set themselves on fire in the last year. The government in Beijing portrays them as societal misfits. During the winter break from high school, Tsering Kyi would spend her days tending the yak and sheep, always taking a book with her out to pasture.


Iranians vote for first time since 2009

Iran Elections

Iranians head to the polls Friday in a parliamentary election marking the first nationwide balloting since a disputed vote triggered massive protests nearly three years ago.


Police dismantle Occupy London camp

Hundreds of police in riot gear staged an early morning raid Tuesday to clear Occupy protesters from a campsite outside London's St Paul's Cathedral, activists said.


Syria rebels plan Damascus 'day of defiance'

Security forces were out in force in Damascus on Sunday as rebels plan a repeat of protests that have threatened President Assad's grip on the capital.


Motorists protest against Putin on Moscow's streets

Russian Protests

Hundreds of Russians protesting against Vladimir Putin drove through Moscow Sunday ahead of the March 4 presidential election expected to seal his grip on power.


Syrian forces fire on mourners near Assad's palace

Syrian security forces fired live rounds and tear gas at thousands of people marching Saturday in a funeral procession that turned into a protest in Damascus, activists said.


Some say Greek debt deal will make things worse

Latest austerity cuts approved as 100,000 take to the streets in protest; 93 buildings damaged in Athens.


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